Animal activities #12 / Lessons from the story of the tortoise #3
Welcome to our story time.
A long time ago in the animal kingdom, there was famine in the land because there has been no rain and the animals were suffering from the drought.
The tortoise however noticed that his friend the dog was getting robust and seemed not to be affected by the famine. He decide to ask the dog for his welfare secrets.
The dog refused to let him in on his secrets because he knew how greedy and cunning the tortoise can be. He told the tortoise that his secret was hardwork and nothing else.
The tortoise was not satisfied with this answer and decided to find out for himself. He decide to trail his friends way about. The next day the tortoise rose early and came to the dogs house and hid to monitor his movements.
The dog rose early and took a basket and went out. The tortoise followed him from behind without being seen to the next village. The dog entered a farmers farm and began to harvest some yams. At this point the tortoise came out to the shock of the dog.
Now his secret has been discovered therefore he was forced to tell the tortoise that he used to come to the farm to steal yams. The tortoise joined in and the two became partners in crime.
As the days went by the dog notice that the tortoise was being greedy and kept increasing the numbers of yam he carried daily. He had to warn him because they were spending so much time in the farm and he didn’t want them to be caught.
The tortoise wouldn’t listen and kept saying that he was saving for rainy days. One of the days, the tortoise harvested more yams than he could carry. They were running late and the dog was trying to leave so that they won’t get caught. The tortoise begged him to help him carry his yams but he refused and left the farm. The tortoise kept struggling with his heavy basket of yams till the farmer came and caught him in the farm.
He was handed over to the village council for disciplinary actions against him. He dog was afraid when he saw what happened to the tortoise and he knew he has not been fair to the farmer by stealing his yams.
He made up his mind that he would never take what does not belong to him again. The moral of the story is that stealing is bad and greediness is bad too . We should not be greedy and we shouldn’t take what does not belong to us.
Thank you for reading through. Hope you enjoyed my story. I ask @pandorasdiary, @ngozi996 and @jovita30 to be a part of this weekly animals activities contest.