Animal Activities #11 / Lessons from the story of the tortoise 2
Welcome friends. It’s another story time. Who’s excited? Well I am and today am telling us the story of the tortoise and the hare.
Well, a long time ago, in the animal kingdom, the elephant the king of the animals fixed a competition for who would challenge the hare. The hare was known as the fastest runner of their time and had won several running competitions unbeatably and it was another season of competition.
The fame of the hare was know far and wide and no animal was willing to Challenge him in the competition. But the tortoise stepped out to the challenge. The hare felt insulted and laughed and laughed.
The tortoise who was known as the slowest of the animals was Insistent on challenging the hare. Well, the day of the competition came and all the animals gathered at the village square.
The hare too came and the tortoise. The marks was set and the competition began. The tortoise and the hare was to circle a long distance round the village and return to the square where everyone was waiting.
At the sound of the whistle, the hare speed off and ran and ran and ran. The tortoise was crawling at his pace way behind the hare. The hare got to a particular spot and decided to take some nap and continue the race.
He knew the tortoise was way behind him. He wanted to sleep and then wake up and speed off again and there was no way the tortoise was going to compete with that speed.
He slept off and lost track of time. Meanwhile the tortoise kept running in a slow but steady manner. He came to where the hare was sleeping and gently passed by and continued running. He never stopped even to rest.
The hare woke up after a long nap and sped off again. In his mind the tortoise was still way behind him. He ran and ran until he got to the square only to see the tortoise already there. The tortoise was the winner of the racing competition.
The moral of this story is that the saying that slow and steady wins the race is true. Consistency and perseverance will always pay off. Pride also goes before a fall. The hare’s pride got the worst of him. Avoid pride. Be humble no matter what you think you’ve achieved in life.