Explore the best music converted to the level of the gods
On this occasion I bring you this piece of artist called Royal Gigolos is a musical group formed in 2003 in Germany, which is composed of 3 members:
Lauren Dyson

Michael Nehrig

thorsten kaiser

They began their artistic career in 2004 with California Dreamin '. Then he would continue with California Dreamin '(Remixes) in 2004 (that same year). It has 19 record productions in CD, Vinyl, CDr and File formats.
His varied styles of Royal Gigolos frame him in the genres: Blues, Electronic and Pop among others.
In September 2003 DJs Mike Moore and DJ Tyson decided to produce a new song. One summer night, sitting in the garden, they spontaneously got the idea of reproducing the classic "California Dreamin '" by "Mamas and The Papas" in House style. No sooner said than done. 14 days later they already had California Dreamin '(Tek-House Extended)
Here you have the original song where the song came from
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