ہم اور اردو

in ارتقاء2 months ago (edited)


چچا غالب کا نام تو سنا ہو گا۔ جی ہاں وہی غالب جس کی
وجہ سے کبھی اردو کے پیپر میں پورے نمبر نہیں آئے۔ تو قصہ کچھ یوں ہے کہ کچھ دن پہلے سوشل میڈیا کی گلیوں میں پھرتے پھراتے ایک ریل سامنے آ گئی۔ کسی پوڈ کاسٹ کا کوئی کلپ تھا جس میں محترم عامر خان صاحب ( ارے وہی اپنے 3 ایڈیٹ والے بھائی) بیٹھے نانا پاٹیگر کا انٹرویو لے رہے تھے ۔ اب مہمان نے انٹرویو کی بجائے انٹرٹینمنٹ کا سوچا ۔ کہتے ہیں کہ غالب صاحب کا ایک شعر انہیں بہت پسند ہے

زندگی بھر آئینہ صاف کرتے رہے
دھول تو چہرے پہ تھی

شعر سن کر عامر خان ہاتھ پہ ہاتھ مار کہ کہتا ہے ارے باپ رے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔😎( شعرا کو داد دینے کا نیا طریقہ آیا ہے مارکیٹ میں)
میں نے بھی یہی سوچا ارے باپ رے، یہ کس ٹرک ڈرائیور کا شعر بھائی لوگ گالب صاحب کو چپکا رہے ہیں۔ لیکن خیر! عامر خان ایک کتاب دوست انسان ہیں اور اردو ان کی زبان نہیں ہے یہ تو ہماری زبان ہے۔ اب یہی ریل میں نے اپنے کئی دوستوں کو بھیجی۔ کچھ نے صرف دکھی سا ری ایکٹ کردیا کہ تمھارے تو غم ختم ہی نہیں ہوتے ،جو باقی رہ گئے انہوں نے تعزیت بھرے انداز میں تسلی بھی دی کہ کوئی نہیں زندگی ہے، ہوتا ہے۔ بات ہی ختم ۔
مگر کیا واقعی ہی بات ختم ہو گئی ۔ کیا یہی اردو کا مستقبل ہے ۔ میں نے کبھی غالب کو باقاعدہ نہیں پڑھا نہ ہی میں کوئی اردو کی کوئی بہت بڑی ڈیفنڈر ہوں مگر ایسا بھی اندھیر نہیں کہ یہی نہ پتا چلے کہ مرزا غالب کا شعر ہے یا پھر سڑک چھاپ شاعر کا ۔ اب تو جینریشن ذی نے باقاعدہ اردو کو ذلیل کرنے کا محاذ ہی کھول لیا ہے۔ اگر آپ نے کبھی سب ٹائٹل کے لیے لکھی اردو پڑھی ہو تو آپ کے چودہ طبق روشن ہوں جائیں گے۔
رہی سہی کسر ہمارے شعرا نے پوری کر رکھی ہے کہ اگ زبان بگڑ ہی رہی ہے تو معیار بھی برقرار گرنا چاہیے
تہذیب حافی صاحب فرماتے ہیں کہ

میں پاگل تو نہیں جو اس سے تنخواہ مانگوں
یہی کافی ہے کہ اس نے کام پر رکھا ہوا ہے

(😛چھوٹی سوچ ، تنخواہ تو لینی چاہیے)
ایک اور جگہ اپنی سالگرہ کا دکھ دوبالا کرتے ہوئے فرماتے ہیں کہ
تمھارے ہوتے ہوئے موم بتی بجھائی کسی اور نے
کیا خوشی رہ گئی جنم دن کی ،میں کیک کیا کاٹتا

یار اگر یہی لطیفے سننے ہیں تو مجھے بھی شاعر ہی سمجھو! ویسے آج کل یہ بیوروکریٹس میں بطور فیشن شاعر بننے کا کیڑا بھی پتہ نہیں کہاں سے گھسا ہوا ہے۔
ان کی شاعری کا معیار بھی وہی ہے جو ہماری بیوروکریسی کا ہے۔

بطور قوم ہم نے جو کچھ اپنی زبان کے ساتھ کیا ہے شاید یہی وجہ ہے کہ آج کہ دور میں کوئی فیض ، کوئی عصمت،کوئی انشا ، کوئی غلام عباس پیدا نہیں ہو گا۔ ابھی 2024 میں کوریا کی ہان کانگ نے اپنے ملک کے لے ادبیات میں پہلا نوبل پرائز جیتا ہے ۔
کیا کوئی امکان ہے کہ کبھی اردو ادب کے لیے ایسا موقع آئے گا ۔ تو جواب ہے "کم از کم مستقبل قریب میں تو یہ ممکن نہیں"۔
کیوں ؟
کیوں کہ جس معیار کی اردو ہمارے تعلیمی اداروں میں پڑھائی جا رہی ہے اور جس طرح سے اردو پڑھائی جا رہی اس کو دیکھ کہ نہیں لگتا کہ کوئی ایسی جرات کرے گا۔
پاکستان میں سول سروسز کے امتحانات انگریزی میں ہوتے ہیں ان پہ بہت دفعہ بحث ہوتی ہے کہ اردومیں لیے جائیں ۔ تو دو سال پہلے سی ایس ایس کیلیے پی-ایم-ٹی شروع کیا گیا جس میں اردو کا ضروری حصہ شامل ہے اب خدا جھوٹ نہ بلوائے میں نے ٹیسٹ دینے والے مجاہدین کو کانوں کو ہاتھ لگا کر اپنے گناہوں کہ معافی مانگتے دیکھا ہے۔ وہ اس بات پہ تو راضی ہیں کہ بیشک پیپر اس انگریزی میں آ جائے جو اب انگریز بھی بولنے چھوڑ چکے ہیں مگر ہمارے اردو کے مرحوم مصنفین کو زحمت نہ ہی دی جائے اور اگر ممکن ہو تو ہر مصنف کے قبر کہ پاس اس کی تخلیقات کو بھی دفن کرنے کی گنجائش نکالی جائے۔
اور اردو سے اس محبت کی وجہ بلاشبہ ہمارے ہمارے اساتذہ کرام ہیں۔ مجھے یاد ہے کہ ایف ایس سی میں اردو کی لیکچرار نے ہر غزل کو زبردستی عشق حقیقی سے اس طرح جوڑ کر دیکھایا تھا کہ مرحوم شاعر بھی سن کر داد دیتے کہ ارے باپ رے😖 یہ تو ان کے گمان میں بھی نہیں تھا ۔ اور پھر ایک شعر ایسا کہ

آہ کو چاہیے اک عمر اثر ہونے تک
کون جیتا ہے تیری زلف کے سر ہونے تک

کلاس اس انتظار میں تھی کہ اب کوئی معجزہ ہی اس شعر کو عشق حقیقی کی منزل پہ پہنچا سکتا ہے۔ مگر سامنے بھی استاد تھا کہہ دیا کہ یہ شعر امتحان میں آنا ہی نہیں ہے ۔اور آپ نے اتنا علم حاصل کر کہ کیا کرنا ہے
ہاں جی کیا کرنا تھا ہم نے ۔۔۔۔!
کوئی نوبل پرائز تھوڑی نہ لے لینا تھا ۔
تحریر کی دم
میں کوئی سکالر نہیں ، تو بیشک میری اردو کی بھی غلطیاں نکال لیں
میں نے اردو میں کچھ لفظ انگریزی کے بھی لکھے ہیں کیوں کہ مجھے لگتا ہے کہ اردو اک لشکری زبان ہونےکی وجہ سے اپنے اندر الفاظ کو سمونے کی صلاحیت رکھتی ہے۔اور ہاں رومن بھی اردو لکھنے کا اچھا طریقہ ہے کیوں کہ اس طرح سے یہ زیادہ لوگوں کی سمجھ میں آتی ہے
مقصد صرف یہ ہے کہ کم از کم جو اردو بولی اور لکھی جائے وہ تو درست ہو۔
آپ بیشک سندھی ، پشتو ، پنجابی بلوچی ، بولیں یا انگلش ، اٹالین فرنچ سیکھ لیں اور چاہے آپ کا عشق فارسی اور عربی تک بھی پہنچ جائے لیکن اگر آپ اس بات میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں کہ بطور قوم ہماری شناخت باقی رہے تو اردو کے علاوہ کوئی چارہ نہیں۔
اور بحثیت قوم ہمیں اپنی زبان کو اپنانا ہی ہوگا کیوں کھوکھلی جڑوں والے درخت زیادہ دیر نہیں ٹک پاتے۔


!کچھ کہو۔۔۔۔۔ @aminasafdar !


مگر ایسا بھی اندھیر نہیں کہ یہی نہ پتا چلے کہ مرزا غالب کا شعر ہے یا پھر سڑک چھاپ شاعر کا ۔ اب تو جینریشن ذی نے باقاعدہ اردو کو ذلیل کرنے کا محاذ ہی کھول لیا ہے

Yr wakai m andhera h kasam lelo ni yad hote shair ye. Mene bsc m sst k paper m 1-2 shair hi dono questions m likhy the bar bar.

Allah bhala kry board walo ka bs poray numbers deke pass kia tha mjhy🤐

Or ye konse sastay css officers ki bat ho rhi h, btao zra.

Agr hum Urdu m lene lag gye na paper css ka to ye department hi end krna pr jana h is mulk m sy, so good na?

English ki hi to show h is field m, or in service sab kuch Urdu m hota h awam sy deal krna to why this flex?

Good for foreign services only. Par hmara khudka scene farig h ky kb urdu bolni kb English or kb punjabi.

عرض کیا ہے

دل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہے
غبارہ پھٹے تو ٹھا ہوتی ہے

Yrrr, you're more hilarious in Urdu language.
Or abhi type krte mjhy realise hua k urdu m bat krni the. Chlo Roman urdu m hi sahi.

Yr urdu type krna bhttt mushkil h wese, tumne type kia khud? Ma sha Allah, hathoun ki hadiyan salamt hain ya aise feel ho rha k abhi urdu ka paper dia ho?

Or ye konse css officers ......

ہم تحفے میں گھڑیاں تو دے دیتے ہیں
اک دوجے کو وقت نہیں دے پاتے ہیں
آنکھیں بلیک اینڈ وائٹ ہیں تو پھر ان میں
رنگ برنگے خواب کہاں سے آتے ہیں

Fareeha naqvi sahiba ny bio ki classes miss kr di hn......baqi she is much better than Hafi and rest of the gang... freeha naqvi ki poetry ki correction mn bi ik hazir service officer ka hath h😉 , I will tell you about him in the your DM..... Or Mrs naqvi ko bhut sa wanna be officers follow krrty hn.....Roman is okay.

Yr wakai m andhera.....

اچھا میں نے یہ نہیں کہا کہ ہر شعر کو زبانی یاد کر لو۔۔۔۔مگر جو لوگ پڑھتے ہیں انہیں شعر کہ معیار سے یہ سمجھ آ جاتا کہ غالب نےیہ شعر کہا ہو گا یا نہیں۔ کچھ لوگ تو اتنے پرفیکٹ ہوتے ہیں کہ انہوں نے چاہے پہلے کبھی شعر نہ بھی سنا ہو تب بھی انہیں شعر کے مزاج سے اندازہ ہو جاتا ہے کہ کس شاعر نے کہا ہے۔
مطالعہ پاکستان میں جس نے تمہیں پاس کیا تھا اس نے شعر نہیں دیکھیں ہوں گے ۔ بلکہ یہ دیکھا ہو گا کہ کتنی لمبی چھوڑیں ہیں تم نے🥴

tumne type kia khud?

V funny 😖 m ny assistant rakha hva h 😎

دل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہے
غبارہ پھٹے تو ٹھا ہوتی ہے

Bas kr pagli ab rolaey gi kea😂😛

I will tell you about him in the your DM....

Han chlo gossip karain...

۔ بلکہ یہ دیکھا ہو گا کہ کتنی لمبی چھوڑیں ہیں تم نے🥴

Hmre history m sabne lmbi lmbi hi to chori hui hain
Par tb m ni likh pati the q ky interest ni tha in cheezo m

P.S: kya tmhy pta hai k hum bol k bhi Urdu type kr skte?

😌بالکل پتا ہے


Urdu (can’t control if this is translated correctly so better jump to English version right ahead… 😂):
جیسا کہ حرا نے پہلے بھی ذکر کیا تھا: اردو کے ساتھ جو سلوک ہو رہا ہے وہ ایک تباہی ہے۔ “عام” ترجمہ پروگراموں کے ذریعے مجھے ایک ایسا مرکب ملا جو اردو (ہاہا، میں نے کہا کہ میں ایک بھی حرف نہیں پڑھ سکتی؟)، بہت ہی خراب جرمن اور کچھ ٹوٹے پھوٹے انگریزی الفاظ پر مشتمل تھا۔ کچھ بھی سمجھ نہیں آیا، میں بمشکل سمجھ پائی کہ آپ کس بارے میں لکھ رہے ہیں۔
ChatGPT کے ساتھ میں نے اپنی روایتی زبان سے محبت، اس زبان کے عظیم شاعروں، اس کے زوال، اور اس کے ذمہ داروں کے بارے میں ایک شاندار متن پڑھا۔ انتہائی دلچسپ - مجھے لسانیات سے محبت ہے!
تاہم، مجھے واقعی ڈر ہے کہ میں بہت کم بار تین مختلف مراحل میں ترجمہ کرنے کی زحمت اٹھاؤں گی۔ سوائے… سوائے اس کے کہ آپ نوبل انعام کے حصول کے سفر پر روانہ ہوں، اور میں کہہ سکوں: “اس مصنف کو میں جانتی ہوں!” … 😉

As Hira mentioned earlier: the way Urdu is being treated is a disaster. Using “typical” translation programs, I got a mix of Urdu (haha, did I mention I can’t read a single letter?), terribly bad German, and a few chunks of English. Nothing made sense—I barely figured out what you were writing about.
With the help of ChatGPT, I read a wonderful text about the love for one’s traditional language, the great poets who shaped it, its decline, and those suspected to be responsible for it. Absolutely fascinating—I love linguistics!
However, I genuinely fear that I’ll rarely make the effort to translate through multiple layers. Unless… unless you embark on the journey to win the Nobel Prize, and I can say: “I know this author!” … 😉

You made me speechless, honestly what could I say to you girl, except for a huge Thank you. I love the way you try to translate whatever I wrote.

I know very well how terrible a translation could be. pardon my laziness as a translator, becoz I wasn't able to transfer the essence of this write-up in another language, so I skipped that.

I appreciate your love for linguistics, and this is common in both of us. For me, linguistics are important to nurture the people as nations and for unity among them

journey to win the Nobel Prize, and I can say: “I know this

Hahahaha Who knows what the future will reveal?

And , and , and your Urdu version is not as bad as you think , in fact it makes pretty good sense😍.
Love from Pakistan ❤️

No, please don't get speechless - you have too much to say for that... ;-)

Well, I don't usually read posts in other characters (Urdu, Bengali, Chinese, Korean... all difficult to translate, with Urdu causing by far the most difficulties...). From friends who are important to me, of course. Now that was your my our luck: Hira resteemed your post. Then it's either good or important or both. I really enjoyed reading it (at the end after successful translation, LOL) as I said.

pardon my laziness as a translator

No! I admire the fact that you stuck strictly to Urdu (certainly also in the knowledge that the number of readers will be limited in this way). After all, it was about this language. And what better way to write about a language and its fate than to use that language as a tool?
Every translation distorts a little what we actually want to say, what we actually think, what we are capable of expressing in an elaborate way in our mother tongue.

I, for example, only write informative texts in English. Then I stick to short, easy-to-understand sentences. Translations are sufficient for this, information always works.
Everything else I write consistently in my mother tongue, German. German, ‘the language of poets and thinkers’. German can be a flowery language, we have an incredible number of ways to play with it (an often envied unique selling point are the compound nouns, which ultimately offer an infinite number of possibilities for linguistic art). I love German, I love linguistics, I love language games - even if they are barely noticeable. These are what characterise my texts.
German is not that difficult to translate, but the nuances that make my German-speaking readers smile are often missing. I have no desire to optimise my texts for translation (professional human translators could), but want to write as I am. I can only do this well in “my” language.

I studied linguistics and actually read old dictionaries from time to time. That's how I ended up writing a few articles about funny stylistic blossoms in the German language. They are extremely amusing. In translation, however, they hardly make any sense. German to English, mind you...

Warm regards from cold northern Germany,

German, ‘the language of poets and thinkers’. German can be a flowery language...

This is enough to provoke someone's curiosity about German literature! I think now I should explore your literature, authors and poets. (obviously the English translation).

nuances that make my German-speaking readers smile .....

So this is a bit unfortunate for us (and true for any language, I got your point )but I can feel your attachment to your language. I hope I'll explore the wonders of Germany and the German literature with youSo far, I only know about "Berlin'' (from Money Heist) and, obviously, a little about the city as well.

I appreciate the cold German regards from hotest plains of Pakistan.❤️

Is it "the north" ... which... " remembers"? 😉

Well, that's actually a popular saying that may have lost its validity a long time ago.
The 'poets' refer primarily to Goethe and Schiller, the 'thinkers' to great philosophers such as Kant, Hegel, Marx...
Which doesn't mean that there aren't contemporary writers worth recommending.
Some Germans have won the Nobel Prize for Literature, many have died. I like Heinrich Böll and Thomas Mann, and Günter Grass is my favorite. They all exploit the possibilities of our language. Günter Grass plays with it so much that I can imagine that the translation alone is a kind of life's work. And so he was only honored for it almost 50 years after the publication of his greatest success ("The Tin Drum").
For example, I like to read Bernhard Schlink or Juli Zeh (as living authors), but I wouldn't do justice to the number of good German contemporaries if I (only) recommended them. If you're really interested, start with the classics... ;-)

I don't know much about/in Berlin. You'd actually have to ask weisser-rabe about that - she just recently moved away from there... ;-)

Unfortunately, I don't understand your last question.

You know what? ''Das Capital'' by Karl Marx is already on my bucket list. I'm aware about the importance and impact of Marxism. To be honest, I think this will be a tough read (due to the complex economics terms), so I've been procrastinating.
However, I've come across references to Marx in many Urdu books, and his critique of capitalism and theories about it are beyond objection.

Goethe is another familiar name. Our great poet and thinker, Alama Iqbal, was greatly inspired by him. Iqbal paid tribute to Goethe in both his poetry and prose. I know a bit about Hegel and his philosophy, but I found his writings too serious to handle. Maybe one day I'll read him.

The point is, I wasn't aware that these thinkers had German roots... I'm feeling a bit embarrassed!🤐

The other names you mentioned are new to me, so I looked up Juli Zeh, and she seems brilliant. I think her 'Eagles and Angels' will be my next read.

start with the classics... ;-)

Well, mostly I prefer newer authors over old-timers.

I don't understand your last question.

Never mind, the last line was just a dialogue from the famous series 'Game of Thrones'.

You have to keep a few secrets to yourself: I haven't read Marx or Hegel. Maybe in excerpts, because it was important at school or for university. That's far too demanding for me as "leisure reading". Please take care of yourself, don't take on too much!

And 'Game of Thrones'. Although my husband devoured all the books in this series, I haven't read a single one. Not a single sentence. And I haven't watched it on TV either... 🤭

You are my sister for not watching or reading game of thrones. I can't read or watch something because everyone is doing it. It is in fashion, or out of fomo, how you gonna survive in the consumer society if you don't do what others are doing.

Will this society accept us?:p

I didn't read it even after my best friend's recommendation.

Fun fact: you can connect to others without these things too😉

Well, mostly I prefer newer authors over old-timers.

So unlike me, take me to the world of classic authors, dear me 🙃


Thank you very much, @nishadi89. I appreciate that you and your team are looking for good comments. A lot of them often need more effort than… well… ;-)
But most of the good comments are to find underneath very good posts (if not born in a discussion about the sense of a bad/plagiarized/AI-generated/blahblah post) because the good and interesting, often well written article causes them. Like here!

Here there are the commenters @aminasafdar, @event-horizon and me who got a vote from you but the author herself did not. Though it’s an outstanding post what each commenter told her.
This leaves a lightly bitter aftertaste for me regarding your otherwise good idea. If I were @mehwish-almas, I would by now at the latest be thinking about the injustice and arbitrariness of the curators. Well, I’m not @mehwish-almas, so speaking for myself: I feel very uncomfortable with the thought that each of the mentioned individuals (including myself) now has more rewards under their comment than the author herself received for her article (which is very well-written, intelligent, researched and full of effort - in case you haven’t read it or had translation issues, as I initially did, but that was addressed in my comment…). Not at all. Pity.

I do notice this, but the "true colors" mostly curate comments, and only a few posts. Kitty sets her own criteria for curation, as I've read in her curation reports over the months. The comments here truly deserve the recognition they receive. It was normal for me, but if another team had done it, I might have asked for the reason. Another reason was obviously the translation; I knew very well that it wouldn't make sense unless someone made as much effort as you did.

Believe me, your concern is worth more than any up vote.
However, Hira's concern is real, as she mentioned that two teams reached a post and voted on comments only, while the writer provided the translation as well. This issue should be addressed.

Don't be mad at me, I've had a few very difficult days (privately) and now I don't want to deal with the topic any more.
Maybe I shouldn't have got involved in the first place, but this kind of thing just really annoys me - even though I know the "rules".
The Steem that I got to know had no "rules" apart from the netiquette...
We'll happily talk about it another time, I'm fine for now... 😉

No, not at all...! Why should I get mad at you? You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met on Steem. I was just explaining my point of view. And if my words gave you a bad or aggressive impression, I'm sooooo sorry for that. I'm not good with words. But, in fact, I had no intention of countering your argument even.

Of course, you know Steem much better than me. Glad to know that you're fine now, hopefully, you accept my belated apology as well.
Have a good day❤️

I like to add that the same % of vote can show a different amount depending on the SP of the author + date of the post or comment.
It's hard to calculate what the reward will be and indeed the comments voted for show higher in the thread.

This is no problem to me, I don't like to scroll through all the witness and puss bot comments to find a personal comment but it is not that all comments are out of vision which I notice in my comment contest with an average of 100 comments. Who likes to read or know will scroll.

Btw, I do not translate with chatgpt and have a hard time copying text like these in average always a part of it is skipped. I can also not talk for how nashid89 translated.

Thanks for understanding. I wish you all the best.



Same happened with another post in this community. Not one, but two curation teams reached out and voted the comments under that post and both didn't think the post was worthy of their vote. Although the author shared the translated version in comments.

I'm also confused about this new trend.

new trend

It really annoys me...
I don't like it when the sc teams "determine" which comment is the "most valuable" (because the one with the highest rewards moves up in the comment section). I've gotten used to that to some extent (although I still often shake my head, especially when it comes to overrated German-language comments: stupid, ideological content, but a loooot of text). But voting for comments without having read or voted for the post is a bit too far for me.

overrated German-language comments: stupid, ideological content, but a loooot of text).


I have spent a lot of time trying to understand those texts but failed.

Our team, "Team True Colours," supports quality comments because the other curation team supports posts. That's why. If you had read our weekly report, you might not think this is confused. But you can ask the other curation team member who voted for those comments why they missed that post.

I have read your weekly reports once or twice and saw that you guys nominate comments. That made me smile. I like your strategy. It's a great one to promote Engagement.

Here, the only problem is that, what forged such great comments under this post is the post itself which is exceptional. It deserves more rewards than all the comments' combined.

Wouldn't it be better if you guys vote parent posts along with the comments? I mean get in through the comments and if they are good enough then maybe read the post and if it's good too then vote it too.

This post is pretty much understandable with Google translation and since you have gone through the comment section, you should know the ChatGPT translated it pretty well too. I know it's a lot of trouble translating posts through different means but you could make effort for something that is capable for inducing great engagement, right?

Let me know what you think. 🙂

P.S. The other team didn't even bother to respond. 😛

It is not surprising that you are asking me such a question. Because even if there is someone else in your place, he or she may also have the same question. "Team True Colours" our curation team is committed to voting for quality comments unlike other teams. We definitely look for quality comments across this platform. We only vote for one post per day. All the rest of the votes are for comments. Other teams vote for quality content on the platform and we support quality comments. You will understand this by reading our weekly report. Also, this author is a good commenter. And I have supported to her, for her quality comment before. I think you understand what I am saying.
And I hope @mehwish-almas understands what I'm saying too.

Yeah I know about the rules and regulations which kitty specified for her team.

Thank you very much for your understanding, friend.

Everything is fine... 😉
Please excuse my laziness...: https://steemit.com/@chriddi/sr2fzz

Yeah it was weird to me too and the other day one of my acquaintances was saying that she gets more vote on comments than on a detailed post. Why bother oneself to write a blog then.

It makes us doubt if our posts will be worth it in newbie communities or not.

Just answered event-horizon a minute ago with this comment.

Why bother oneself to write a blog then.

The best starting point for writing a blog is to enjoy it. Without any expectations of rewards.
Of course, you should also write comments without expectations.

Letting the author of a very good text look at an empty plate while his guests eat their fill at the buffet is simply not nice. That's what annoys me.

Without any expectations of rewards.

If i get this kind of engagement on my post, and you sharing your feedback and encouragement, then i will bother less about bigger vote honestly.

It is more fun to get genuine response, and we all know deep down that (@mehwish-almas )
you have made it.

Perhaps it was hard for sc team to read in other language. But i swear you can never get its essence in English. It was meant for Urdu readers, it was meant for a drawing room chit chat.

But voting for comments without having read or voted for the post is a bit too far for me.


This is not something weird. It is difficult to read a blog in another language and give a good comment than to write a blog in our own language. You may or may not want to write a blog. That is your choice. If you think this is weird, I have one question for you. Have you read our team's weekly reports..?

With due respect Gihani, Yeah, i have read your report.

And I'm always in awe of how you guys are curating content in a creative way. I know your strategy thrives on curating comments more than blogs.

I know it's like going on a world tour to find comment worth curating. It is more hectic than voting a blog that's there like a billboard.

I'm also grateful for your support, which you show time to time on my comments as i am hesitant to post due to some reasons, but i didn't want to hibernate altogether.
And your support encourages me to comment more.

Take it or leave it we all do it for votes. If a person stops getting votes he or she will not write anymore out of their passion.

Same goes with blog/post, it is a bit disturbing when you upload it after taking time out of your busy schedule, out of enthusiasm, but no support comes your way.

We are just saying it out of empathy for our girl, we prefer women uplifting other women 😊

I hope you will not mind it and think it with your heart:)❣

Hi, this is @ wakeupkitty

If searching for comments you enter via a backdoor and do not see the post but a thread of comments first.

I like to put it the other way round: how does it feel for good commenters, with comments better than many posts, to see how a bad post is upvoted but all commenters are ignored?

If you read the guidelines of the team you know that we decided to search and voted for mainly comments. Next to that we have a limit of posts we vote per day (more a rate 1 post and x comments).

How come not one curator noticed this post?
Is it a pity True Colours tries to stand for something?

Hi Kitty,
I had some really bad (private) days and I think it's pointless to "discuss" the matter now.
But please: I neither complained nor asked anything, I just stated something. You don't have to answer that with a counter question.
By the way, you might laugh: I read the introductions and reports of all the curator teams. So I obviously know where your focus lies. All right. I didn't know that you go to the posts via the comments. I find that a difficult approach to understand. You have to know the article to be able to judge whether the comment is even appropriate...
Well, that's your business.
Have a nice Sunday evening and a good start to the week,

Kitty, I'll be back tomorrow to answer you. I have an important appointment now... 👋

Genau deshalb habe ich aufgegeben , weil die Übersetzung grauenhaft bis überhaupt keinen Sinn ergab, mit dem Apfel 🍏 Übersetzer , danke das Du Deinen Kommentar ins englische übersetzt hast, ansonsten kommunizieren wir Beiden auch, wenn wir nicht kommunizieren, manchmal sind die Menschen wichtiger wie die eigene Meinung auch wenn’s schwer fällt

mit dem Apfel 🍏 Übersetzer

Jo. Der ist auch bei mir quasi integriert. Ging gar nicht. Aber auch Google und Deepl (markieren, kopieren, einfügen...) lieferten nur Fürchterliches ab...

ansonsten kommunizieren wir Beiden auch, wenn wir nicht kommunizieren

Sehe ich genauso... 😉

manchmal sind die Menschen wichtiger wie die eigene Meinung

Manchmal? Immer!


 2 months ago (edited)

Let me assure you, your Urdu text is not that bad. Personally, I also wouldn't go to such lengths to translate a text unless it's written/shared by someone that I really like to read or I know it's something useful or important. I wouldn't try something unfamiliar even if it's from a potential winner of Nobel Prize. 🙈

Mehwish wrote an incredible article voicing all our concerns regarding Urdu that I couldn't resist sharing. I wish you could understand the script, you would've enjoyed reading it even more. Nevertheless, I'm so glad that you put this much effort. Thank you.

Haha, as I already told Maan, it's not 'my' Urdu, but that of ChatGPT. Nevertheless, it's nice that you all emphasize the quality of the translation, because that way there's a chance that you can rely on this AI as a translation machine relatively well.

But yes, I'm also far too lazy for that in most cases. And often simply uninterested. So I look very closely at who resteemed what. You see how much I trust you... 😉

You see how much I trust you... 😉

That's why I think twice before resteeming anything. 🙂

Oh, no contests, no SEC, no SR reports?!?! 🤪

Posted by others... 😛

It made me so happy! You—trying to read this. I still need to comment on her (Mehwish's) wonderful post, but you won’t believe how happy it made me to see you here.

Thank you ❤️

Edit: your urdu version is spot on.

Well, Hira has resteemed the text. Then it's either good or important or both. And you know that I always read before I vote. Oh, I'm so antique... ;-)

It's not ‘my’ Urdu, ChatGPT translated. Thanks for the feedback though, I am going to use this AI as a translation tool rather than Google or Deepl from now on.

O yes ! I love her presence as you do 😍
