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RE: Beginning of ارتقاء

in ارتقاء3 months ago

Ist definitiv eine sehr gute Idee - im Grunde ein pakistanisches DU (wobei ich die Pflicht zur Muttersprache vermisse…)… 😉
Was wir dort anfangs für „Kämpfe“ auszustehen hatten, dass es auch dort immer wieder Leute gab/gibt, die die Idee untergraben woll(t)en, dass irgendwann Ermüdung eingetreten ist, ist bekannt. Die ursprüngliche Idee halte ich nach wie vor für recht genial und zumindest nachvollziehbar für alle Argwöhnenden.

So… Hira, @event-horizon, your idea is great and I swish you a lot of success. More over fun of course! And nerves, good nerves… 😉

Ah, how about muting the first article using a club-tag? Okay, no No Community… 😎

ارتقاء is a beautiful name for an oasis where you hope to find a Steemit Home, really beautiful.
بہت ساری خوش قسمتی، بہت سارا مزہ!


My native language isn't Steem friendly. As much as I want that, it would be very inconvenient to make it obligatory. Having said that, we try to squeeze in Roman Urdu whenever and wherever we can because sometimes jo maza apni zaban mein baat kehnay ka ata wo kisi aur mein nhi ata. (جو مزہ اپنی زبان میں بات کہنے کا آتا وہ کسی اور زبان میں نہیں آتا۔)

Thank you for kind words. I'm feeling a little more confident about this step.

Ah, how about muting the first article using a club-tag? Okay, no No Community… 😎

Haha... I will if there are no content relevant tags.

Yes, no No Community. Reminds me to check and make sure there's no nonsense there.

Evolution.... I don't know why I only see Darwin and monkeys in this word. It sounds more beautiful and deep in Urdu. 😅

My native language isn't Steem friendly

Yes, that's probably the case (unfortunately). Most common translators don't work with Urdu. Is that because of the completely different characters? Funny, Bengali works. Korean too, LOL. True, who wants to translate back and forth two or three times?
But I couldn't resist doing it for the quote. Beautiful and wise!

no content relevant tags

😱 NO mentor?

no nonsense

Not at all or only - I did not get the running quiz exactly... 😂
Jep, we are NO team.

Evolution... more beautiful and deep in Urdu

I'm happy to believe that without checking! I often feel the same way in German. It's a flowery language, the language of great poets. For a single English word, there are sometimes a dozen or more German words that make up subtle differences. Sometimes I can cry when I see the English translations of good texts (good in German). That's why I refuse to translate my texts. I don't have the confidence to enjoy playing with my own language (which is so often ambiguous and therefore funny) in English. Not even the control, although I actually speak English quite passably (NO translator for "fluent English ’, LOL).

Is that because of the completely different characters? Funny, Bengali works. Korean too, LOL.


Languages like Urdu, Persian and Arabic are written from right to left. Steem Editor doesn't support this layout, resulting in messed up sentences. But I've heard Persian and Arabic are still less difficult to type and that's probably because they have less letters 32 and 28, whereas Urdu goes up to 54. I find it difficult to find some letters even with the phonetic keyboard where similar sounding letters are mapped on qwerty; some letters have to be accessed with shift or alt keys and still some are left which hide behind slashes or hyphens. It's so much easier to type in English specially because Pakistanis also don't use a translator for it, thanks(or no thanks) to British colonialism.

written from right to left

Jo. But there's no problem writing in a text programme like Word or similar and then using ‘copy and paste’, is there? That's how I write my texts when they need a bit more preparation. Most of the time they are never finished... LOL

Text programs will work, but still, English is way more convenient to type.

Ahh...what should I say...It's complicated... It's not just Steemit, we are more comfortable with English when it comes to technology and many other domains. What do you expect from a nation, whose all academics are taught in English except language studies...

What do you expect from a nation, whose all academics are taught in English

Hm, very, very good English speakers and writers and (probably unfortunately very many) stammering diarists.

A pity, yes, because language is culture. If their characters fall asleep, this could also mean disintegration (Tower of Babel).
There are foundations here for the preservation of regional languages (in German there are many dialects, some of which are considered languages in their own right). However, you can put endless amounts of money into promoting them: If nobody speaks/uses the language (fluently) anymore, it will die even with millions in subsidies... 😢

Disintegration is already there.

We also have many foundations that promote and preserve regional languages. I don't have enough knowledge about how effective they are. I could be wrong, but my experience says that the work is being done, but only in texts, and texts are not always interesting.

I will talk about myself; I have read a shamefully low number of Urdu books but hundreds of English texts because I don't often find innovation in Urdu. That's not just about reading; media too. I barely watch Urdu movies; even my kids are growing up watching English cartoons because nothing interesting is created in Urdu anymore.

Things are complicated. Sadly, language seems less important compared to all other crises in which we are drowning.

Do you speak Urdu with your children, family and friends in everyday life? Like Urdu is YOUR language but written language and TV is English?

We have way more words. It turns out that a highly educated Englishman (or woman) has the vocabulary (number of words) of a less educated Dutchman....

🥰… Happy New Year!

Gonna answer the lasting comments next. this year… 😉

You should join NO team in 2025… 🤗

I believe the name of the team should be changed into that which reminds me of the street bowling champs in the village 🤣

Take your time.

It's NO team or no team; it's an historical development... 😉
However, the latest developments this year have meant that I don't know whether I will be able to take part at all. I won't have enough time and fun to do the research.

NO NO is still open?
Otherwise NO Team. 😁

How about fun without research? We blurt something (first thought) which might be very interesting if everyone will do that and lead to more (interesting, funny, shocking, truth?).

No one can look a year ahead, I know I can't so I'll see.

Btw, I am bad if it comes to google and AI. I rarely find what I am looking for and AI can't stand me (or it's the other way round? ) so I can always cheer at the sideline 🥳☕

Good night to you and don't forget to have fun!

We blurt something (first thought)

You can read minds - that's my strategy!

I am bad if it comes to google and AI

I'm not just bad about it, I'm getting really angry about it meanwhile. Really? I'd rather read children's books or struggle with scientific texts that I only understand a quarter of than even skim through the crap presented here.

Cheers to a nice Saturday evening... 😎

@ wakeupkitty



how about muting the first article using a club-tag

Ouch 🤕




im Grunde ein pakistanisches DU

Natürlich, das war auch mein erster Gedanke und ich weis auch noch was für eine Diskussion und Unterstellungen es gab , ich glaube als nicht Deutsche Community wird sich nicht groß daran gestört werden , hoffentlich !


als nicht Deutsche Community wird sich nicht groß daran gestört werden

Ja, das glaube ich auch. Echt heftig, dass wir uns immer wieder vor der ganzen Welt rechtfertigen müssen. Oder, wir meinen, es tun zu müssen, obwohl es niemand erwartet. Verinnerlichte Ewigkeitsschuld. Traurig.

Ich bin mir keiner Schuld bewusst und packe auch keine auf meine Schultern, das versuchen nur andere , passt einem das nicht dann kann er weiterziehen, in der Welt ist das auch noch so ein Ding womit man nicht direkt aber hintenrum dem Deutschen versucht Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen mit einer Tempeltänzerin aller Annalenchen ist das auch leicht ! Das ist mit ein Grund warum ich bei solchen Diskussionen schnell auf Attacke gewälzt bin .

Frohes Neues Jahr - auf das alles viiiiel besser wird... ;-)

Das war nun etwas ironisch (der Neujahrsgruß natürlich nicht), denn mit oder ohne Frau Baerbock werden wir weiter nicht ohne Zahlungen auskommen. Niemand von uns. Und nicht vergessen: Uns geht es vergleichsweise sehr gut, Attacken brauchen wir nicht... ;-)

Auch ein frohes neues für Euch , wenn es viiiel besser werden soll dann sollten wir selbst in den Bundestag ziehen, unter #deutsch würde ich schon die passenden finden
Es muss nicht meiner Nase nachgehen aber für die Ampel Regierung habe ich kein Verständnis
Eine Regierung wie unsere letzte , die von persönlichem Ego ( Lindner und Co) ,die Partei übers das Volk stellt und einfach gesagt , schlechte Arbeit macht muss deutlich zu spüren bekommen das sie ins Bodenlose Loch fallen , mein Parteienverständnis kommt ohne FDP und die Grünen aus