A day about Students life

in Steem-Universal6 months ago (edited)

There is a say which is early to bed early to wake, as a student it is advicable to sleep early and wake up early to meet up your lectures time and also be enable you to seat in front of the class to avoid distraction and also loss focus.

I am on a post which is all about a student life.

Morning Routine (6:am - 8:am)


Wake up from your bed, pray to God for another day and thanking him for the gift of life after that for those of us who Normally do exercises, we will go for our morning exercises either jogging or walking to a long distance.

Taking your bath and also get dressed and also prepare for school, after that you can rush and cook to enable you eat something before leaving your house to school because at school, some lecturer sometimes change their time and if you are the type that didn't eat before going to school will see it as you will die today because of hungry.

After eating you will start going to school to enable you get to school on time.

Class time (8:am-12:am)


It time for you to attend all the class for that day for that day, stay focus and also copy all the note for that day and also asked questions if you didn't understand what they have teach you and always participate in all class discussion so that it can help you.

Evening Routine (4:pm - Till daybreak)


Rest for a while either you sleep or you take a rest by relaxing, after that take your bath, after that eat your food, if you didn't cook, struggle and cook something so that you can eat in other to give you strength, after that study your books either doing your homework, studying past questions and also read through all your books.

I think doing all this will make you a best students.

Cc. @Wakeupkitty


Please, check your codes (see above picture). What is the last picture about? Cleaning lady, theatre or?

Hi, @onomzy001,

Your post has been manually curated!

It would be good if you write a bit more. I find it hard to believe this is all you do on a day. I read nothing about what a day at school/university looks like. You wake up, pray and that's it? Sorry, but that's not very interesting.
For sure you have more to tell.

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Your hashtags make no sense. Hashtag #about???? Please, check and change them and give a good example of how a post should look like.

#wewrite & #comment

 5 months ago 

Check your Discord or WhatsApp Hurry up!