Lost touch: how a year without hugs affects our mental healthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in DLIKE4 years ago (edited)

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It it telling that her examples are all about women because if you gender reverse the article it sound a lot like the Incel debate we had in 2019. Of course the Incels where shamed for pointing out that human touch is a necessity for mental health.

Now women had a year of what many men experience often enough for decades and suddenly something needs to be done.

Touch, hugs, etc. indeed be a need but that doesn't make it a right. Unless you want to mandate for state run hugging brothels.

For more details watch the Honey Badger Radio response video "Is Touch a Human Right? | Men's Mental Health 18".

Article: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/jan/24/lost-touch-how-a-year-without-hugs-affects-our-mental-health

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I feel that Japan has it right.
We need more cuddle bars here in the states.

And it really is annoying that just the year before they told incels, en mass, to suck it up and fuck off.

Are incels, often a problem based on genetics from birth, third class citizens or forth? What is the level of the "untouchables" in India?

Feminism would never allow cuddle bars — unless its men cuddling women. They will call it prostitution light and gateway to rape culture.

Are incels … third class citizen

From the women's / feminist perspective: Yes.