Preparations for digging a well for clean water are almost complete

in Nature & Agriculturelast month

After drilling for 3 days in a row, today it is almost 75% complete because the water has come out and the people are very happy because there is water in the drilled well and the drilled well which is currently being replaced is very useful, especially the water for clean water. and for agriculture as well as for plantations in this area, currently clean water is very scarce because of the dry season, the water in the full river is always dry, so the people decided to dig a drilled well to use clean water for washing and so on and the people were very happy and today this is the last and possible day of drilling Tomorrow a water pump can be installed to draw water from the drilled well.


In the beginning, we didn't plan to drill wells in this area because there is a lot of water, especially in rivers and irrigation, and in the last few months, it has become difficult for irrigation to get water, even if the rice fields are getting water, the community needs to decide to dig drilled wells and the plan here is to dig several drilled wells to irrigate rice fields and food plantations in this area and also to get clean water, especially for drinking water for families in the villages around here and today the drilling has been successful and the verdict is very happy because The water was visible and it finally came out on the last day of drilling This and this can be used for agriculture and other things, friends, all of us, the whole community, would like to thank the villages who have drilled wells with village funds in this area.



Apart from taking drilled well water for agriculture and plantations, it is also very useful for avoiding disease, especially if you drink all the drilled water because the water is clean, there is a big possibility that people in this area will avoid diseases, namely diarrhea and other diseases, so about this the community is happy because it has There is a drilled well in this village, friends, that's all from me, a little review about measuring drilled wells on the last day, hopefully it's useful for all of us.
