My Diary Game, My day at the mill. 21/8/2024

in Nature & Agriculture7 months ago
Hello and welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to be here again and today I will love share my days experience with you guys.

This week as been a bit too dol due to the constant rain, but I happy I was able to take advantage of the little sunshine today to do what I had been planning on doing.

It has always been my dream to venture into the business of of producing red palm oil in addition to my other lines of business but due to the fact that I couldn't find someone to leas out their out farmlands where there are lot of plan fruits.

But I was happy when one of friends inform me about someone who was willing to business by leasing out their family's palm fruits plantation, so I was happy ready to go for inspection and nogoation but due to the constant rain fall since on Monday I could not until today.

Upon getting there, I realise that it is a big rain forest,


I also realise that getting the main fruits requires a great deal of effort as one has to way this into the forest. It's also involved carrying the fruits to where is it's motorable. I was happy and excited that I even had to change my clothes to join carrying the fruits myself.

After our inspection of the farmlands my friend also introduce me to a man who owns a mill where I can also bring the fruits for progressing, and I was excited to know that the man has some of the basic equipment for progressing the fruits from the raw material to the finished product.

I was also very happy to learn that it was the day they had planned to produce their oil and I witnessed the whole thing myself and I will love to share it with you guys.

The most important machine is the ligter that gives life and power to others.
Then we have the monter that grands the fruits instead of doing it manually.

Than comes the shither that helps to bring out the main product, the red oil.
We also have the Selector that helps to separate the chips from the kernel,

than they have to boil the oil again in order to make sure that the water and waste are totally removed.

From my experience today I have come to know that palm trees do not produce much fruits at this time of the year because of the rains. Am due to start my own harvesting from next month. I sincerely hope and pray that someday soon I will be able to have and operate my own mill.

So my fellow steemians please let us continue to appreciate and respect our farmers for their hard work and effort.