How to grow coffee And an A to Z description of when to do it.

in Nature & Agriculture5 months ago

🍁 Assalamualaikum🍁

My Dear Friends,
I am @maashraful from 🇧🇩Bangladesh

Cabbage is cultivated in almost all regions of the country. Cabbage is a very nutritious vegetable. Almost all varieties of cabbage grown in this country are foreign and hybrid varieties. Not all varieties of seeds can be produced in our country. So these businesses are imported from outside.


Cabbage is one of the most nutritious leafy vegetables. Contains so much vitamin A. It is very beneficial for diabetic patients. It is very important for diabetic patients as it keeps diabetes under control.


Cabbage is best in winter. Cultivation can also be done in advance during the winter season. But recently, cabbage is being produced in summer and monsoon season as well. There are many times for sowing cabbage seeds depending on the season. The times are given below-

Time Sowing Time Time of Seedling Planting
Ashwin-Karthik/Karthik-Agrahayan Agrahayana-Madhya Paush / Paush-Madhya Magha


Application and irrigation

Manure 150 kg, Urea 1 kg, TSP 1 kg, MOP 500 g should be applied every century. Complete dung and TSP fertilizers should be applied during land preparation. Urea and MOP fertilizer 2 kg once after 20-25 days and 30-40 days after transplanting. Apply once more. Irrigation should be done immediately after fertilizing. after tha.


Management of insect pest control

The most harmful insect of cabbage in this country is Matha Kheko Leda Poka. Many people have found that late plantings cause more damage to caterpillars or diamond back moths. If cultivated for seed production, the flower bed should be protected from the jab beetle because pappu ka is the main enemy of office asa. Among other insects, Crossodolmia leaf beetle, laying beetle, horse beetle etc. sometimes cause damage.


Harvesting and yielding

Cabbage can be harvested 70-90 days after planting. Each cabbage weighs 2.5 kg on average. The yield is 150-180 kg per century, 75-80 tons per hectare, the yield of Prabhati variety is 110-110 tons/ha. For what it is more profitable than others. Because other than others can achieve. I hope that what I have written to you about the officer. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to let me know how you liked it.