"Medicinal Pants"

in Nature & Agriculture14 days ago

Bitter leaf
Shot from Redmi A3
Hello contest greetings to you all my steemians and contest colleagues in the community.
I appreciate the organizer @edgargonzalez for bringing up this great contest because we are behind in the Sense that plants are so medicinous to us,we will not apply these Natural herbs for our health remedies.
So I will like to start my contest using the rules .

Do you have any medicinal plans that can be used for a health problem? Tell Us it's name and what disease you use it for?

Bitter Leaf
Yes I have a plant hat is medicinal for health problems, it is common in my Neighborhood and some people don't know whereas others don't know how to apply it to cure the disease.

The name of the plant is Bitter Leaf.

I normally use it for stomach pains,it is very good to reduce stomach Pains.

Do you see improvement after taking or applying this recipe for Medicinal plants in your health?

Yes I have 80% improvement when I take these medicinal plants in my health, before going to hospital for propane medication in a professional way.

Taking my medicinal herb

Do you always turn to medical plants first? Or do you visit the doctor first

This is a good question I must commence,I will say yes partially this is because not all time I will go to Medicinal plans first,a time I will when doctors are a little bit far so I will take it as first aid treatment just to reduce the pains and also give me some strength to see my doctor.

Show us a recipe that you prepare with Medicinal plants and tell us what it is used for? If it is common in your country?

Below are the procedures of how I used to prepare bitter Leaf juice for stomach pains. First I rushed and got the fresh leaves,cut it and Wash in cleaned water.
1000028620.jpg Preparing the recipe into medicine1000028621.jpgbitter Leaf juice ready to take as medicine

After washing it,I will use my hand to squeeze it into pieces to get the greenish juice which is so bitter.
So the green juice that comes out from the leaves will be used as . stomach pains medicine.
To be frank, bitter Leaf is very common in my country Nigeria, even restaurants normally cook it as soup, but they will wash the bitterness out but in the case of treatment of stomach pains, you have to allow the bitterness to be and you drink it.

I invite my friends @uyaiuyo @megareigns and @wirngo to take part in this contest if they haven't done it yet.

Thank you for reading my plants medicinal remedies.

 12 days ago 

Friends, just with that name of bitter leaf I can't imagine that it must be truly bitter hahaha, but how good that this remedy works for stomach pains and that you turn to medicinal plants Greetings, good luck.

 11 days ago 

Bitterleaf with just the name you can tell that it's really bitter and I guess that's worth stomach ache needs to flee. I have been taking it for decades now and it has been of help especially when I don't get to meet a doctor.

Best of luck to you

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Curated by : edgargonzalez