Resistance between God and Satan.


When we talk about resistance between God and Satan, remember that God promised that when we obey him and face the devil, he will flee from us. We must remember that Satan's flight depends on our humility towards God and our opposition to Satan. The very fact that Satan still dwells with us more than we expected indicates that we must pay close attention to our role in fulfilling God's promise. If the promise is not kept, the error is not in God, but in us. In this chapter, we will consider the issue of obedience to God.

As captives of Satan, we are naturally inclined to meet your requirements. Obeying God is not natural to our carnal nature. We cannot even take the first step toward Christ without his help. Jesus said: "Without me you can do nothing" (John 15: 5).

When the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:15 that he was the first of sinners, he did not mean that he intentionally commits some kind of sin. He was not an immoral person. Paul says that everything he did, trying to live a just life, he did without Christ and his righteousness, and this is a sin. Above Paul was in complete agreement with the prophet Isaiah, who wrote that "all our righteousness," all our best works and thoughts, are dirty garments if they become isolated from Christ (Isaiah 64: 6). God sees absolutely nothing good in us except what is the result of our personal relationship with Christ.

"Without Christ, we cannot overcome a single sin and we cannot overcome even the weakest temptation" (SO, v. 4, 355).

For this reason, the words "without Christ" are key. They make the difference between defeat and victory. God has assured victory over Satan and his temptation, but victory comes only from the abiding Christ, and never from us. So in Jacob. 4: 7 says: “Submit yourselves therefore to God; Resist the devil and he will flee from you. "

We must conquer or surrender our will to the Divine will before we can successfully resist evil. We can only resist when we submit. Unfortunately, many people do the opposite. In fact, they submit to the devil and spend most of their time in life resisting God.