Keys, Oklahoma
South of the town of Tahlequah in the state of Oklahoma is an unincorporated community named Keys. Much of the land in the community is rural fields and woodlands. Nestled along Carter Creek Road is this lovely old barn which @xcountytravelers recently passed in one of their jaunts through the countryside.

The building is beautiful but needs quite a bit of repair. There is a hay-door over the main door. It has an awning on the right-side to protect equipment parked underneath, a drive bay on the opposite side, and a cupola on top for ventilation. Most likely, it sheltered livestock during inclement weather as well as served as a good place for storing farming implements.

One of the most unusual features of this barn, at least to me, is the roof. Most barns I have seen are covered with a single type of material, usually sheet metal. This barn, however, seems to have wooden slats covering the upper section and corrugated sheet metal on the lower section, as seen in the following detailed view:

The following aerial view from BING Maps attests to the many open fields and woodlands that are close to the barn.

screenshot from BING Maps
Thank you, @xcountytravelers for sharing these fabulous photos! 50% of rewards will go to you, as always!

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Beautiful place, @thekittygirl!