My Steem Story – By @mrprofessor
A Power House Creatives Initiative

Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.
We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.
MY STEEM STORY - BY @mrprofessor
Where my Steem Journey began
My story on the sexy Steem blockchain starts a few moons ago, back when markets were booming and the solely thing I could hear was about all this people throwing money at this crazy cryptothings - The date was December (2017).
During the months of January and February on that same year, I had hitchhiked more than 10.000 km on some remote areas of the Argentinean and Chilean Patagônia. I had loads of inspiring stories of an adventure with barely no money, an experience that inspired me so much that I wanted to share, in hopes of helping those with the same dreams. Back then I didn't have a single clue on how to build a website (I still don't); I spent countless hours watching all sorts of Youtube tutorials on how to build a wordpress website. Some of the tutorials were simple and didn't meet my expectations, others were way too complex. I even started to design it, but then I'd give up because it was not becoming as beautiful as some websites I had as reference.
"What if I had a ready to go platform..." - I thought.
I ended up having to focus on my job as an English teacher for a while and the website idea had to be left aside for a few months.
Fast forward a few months to that insane December, when Bitcoin was on a rampant bull run and everyone was talking about it. Because of that I decided to take a closer look on what the heck was going on; research here, watch videos there... kabooooosh... I came across the Steemit website. On that particular moment I had no idea about the functionality of the Steem blockchain. I knew nothing about SBD and the whole cooldown period. Economy? Nope. Discord? What the f. is this?
However, the Steem provided me with a safe place to store my texts and the front-ends provided a simple to use editor - exactly what I needed months before! Everything was set for me to share my stories! I didn't care about getting paid, sure I saw that some people were making hundreds of dollars posting while I was making a few cents, but I didn't care. I kept on writing and powering up and meeting people. That's how I started and here I am more than 2 years later.
My initial challenges & how I overcame them
I believe that my biggest challenge was developing my own idendity and finding exactly what I wanted to share and how to do it - this proccess keeps on changing even today. The only way to overcome this challenge was by writing over and over again. Also, by letting ourselves evolve naturally, and not forcing a character that is not ourselves, we'll develop a passion for writing, otherwise we end up giving up quickly. Sure I had to learn tons of things I had no idea existed, such as Markdown and HTML; photography and photo editing; video editing and much more, but nothing compared to finding my own style.
Problem is that I wouldn't discover if I was doing a good job if I didn't have any followers, here's when we get to the second challenge - making connections. I remember using all my bandwidth on the blockchain because I was commenting and engaging and posting like a maniac.
Life on chain is still a big challenge every day with all the different platforms and projects and ideas, it's a never ending explosion of creativeness. The secret is to stick around.
My Steem blockchain knowledge
I'm not a tech savy Steem dude, what I know today is not deeper than what I learned in the beginning. The biggest message I can give here is that, even though the information rate on chain is fast as hell, we do need to have patience, sooner or later we'll get to learn it somehow. So if you are a beginner, just don't give up!
To add to that, thanks to the Steem blockchain I developed more interest to criptocurrencies as a whole, which later evolved to a passion for economy and finances, technical analysys and investment.
In sum the knowledge about the Steem blockchain is great and goes beyond everything imaginable!
My Steem favourites
Oh gosh, I fear this section! I'd feel extremely bad if I forgot to name someone, for that reason I'll be very generic here! My favourites are every major project and everyone that ever upvoted/commented on my stuff, you are my favourites! The whole Steem community in the UK that welcomed me in London (you know who you are!).
I can't help but naming @jpphotography and @for91days, these two welcomed me to the travelfeed community way back in 2018, where I still participate as the wild animal on the team - seriously, this guys breath the Steem blockchain every single day without a pause for more than 2 years!!!!!
My golden nugget advice
My 2 cents for beginners start with a big BE PATIENT!!!! Focus on engaging with the community and your niche first, make friends more than anything, be active so people know you exist. Don't release your best content before you have done all that, but don't spam poop posts to enforce your existence either. Spamming can be more harmful than not posting at all.
As many others said, if you are here for money, then I might say you are on the wrong place... same will happen on other social media platforms.
Do not give up if you don't understand the nuances on chain, or the communication channels such as Discord. Don't be frustrated if you can't find your own style... post what you like, if you feel you are forcing a text, don't post it. Quality over quantity!
My Steem hood & its peeps
@travelfeed - here's where I hide \o\
The travel community is where I engage and try to help those in need. I joined in early 2018, became an admin somehow (they say I'm funny), then was adopted as a wild animal on the team. Thanks to @travelfeed I was able to help distribute a few thousand dollars in rewards through curation. If you ever need a feedback on post composition or anything related to adventure just go to our Discord and I'll be more than happy to help.
@brazilians - our crazy brazilian community where we swear at each other and keep on being friends.
@freedomtribe - even though I'm not talking too much there, I still like to take a look on what is in discussion as it's generally great stuff!
From what I've been reading on other people's Steem Story posts I don't have much to add when it comes to advice for our sexy beginners. Take it easy, write because it's fun and not because it might be profitable, and remember to have fun on the go!!!
Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By”
The first three tags in order are to be as follows:
#mysteemstoryONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.
Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
instructions etc.)Replace the personal photo with one of your own.
Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative - @for91days, @sina-adventure, @riverflows, @wanderein, @robmolecule
Share your post to twitter.
Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.
Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:
• Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)
• My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)
• My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)
• My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)
• My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)
• My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)
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~Love ya all
Disclaimer: The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking and more than 3.000 km cycling. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.
Parabéns, seu post foi selecionado pelo projeto Brazilian Power, cuja meta é incentivar a criação de mais conteúdo de qualidade, conectando a comunidade brasileira e melhorando as recompensas no Steemit. Obrigado!
I don't think I could have done without you in those early days. We helped each other out a lot huh?
I still remember the long conversations late at night! And the first time you called me, remember? We have to chat more on whatsapp.
It really is awesome - the beautiful bonds we form in this space.
Patience is truly a virtue here and I think that was what has kept some of us here, and those who have left may have lacked a bit of it. I have to think about my story, we started about the same time. So long ago!
Keep being the wild animal especially in TravelFeed :D
ihihihihih I identify myself as a wild cave badger!
Steem has this natural selection, that's why we are all pretty much the same, a bunch of tough mathaaa fackaaaaaas.
Yes it certainly is!
I knew when I cam across your account I found a gem!!!!
\o\o\o\ love at first sight between us, Mike will have to live with that
Nice work on your Steem story @mrprofessor 🙏
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you!
Hitchhiking 10,000km? Wow! I bet the whole experience must have been epic!
With no money, a few showers, loads of mountaings and full of awesomeness \o\
But it's crazy when I zoom out on the world map and visualize how the whole route is just a tiny scratch on the map.
but what life experience!!!! Very little could top that I would imagine!
WOW! That was very energetic of you hahaahaha!!! Very inspiring!!!
VERY good advice that I wish more people would take heed of!
This is such a fantastic and sexy steem story LOL! Thank you for sharing it with all of us as well as for taking the time to participate in this initiative! x
If it is to inspire people I'm always ready!
I still remember when I started, I was thinking "meh this blog is never going anywhere" - imagine if I had given up, what I would have missed!
Indeed!!! I am sure you have a lot of gratitude for that! :) Persistence is always key!
Have a super weekend @mrprofessor!
🎁 Hi @mrprofessor! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!
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