My Steem Story - By @manoldonchev
A Power House Creatives Initiative

Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learned and where we are going. People also want us to hear their stories! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative, we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.
We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how-to" details at the end of this post.
• Where my Steem Journey began
It was the summer of 2018 when I first learned about the Steem blockchain. That was during a public presentation, led by a fellow creative of mine, a colleague photographer called Damian, A.K.A. @lightcaptured. And it was only a small part of his talks on a more general topic, just mentioning the blockchain technology as an alternative way for artists to get out there and get discovered. Which is what we all artists want, isn't it?
The mention was brief but there were a few things that clicked in my mind. Instantly. And it stayed there to this moment:
You gain two types of rewards — liquid Steem or SBD on one side, and Steem Power on the other. That last thing gives you influence over content — the more Steem Power you have, the more you reward what you like on the platform. You make it more popular.
Huge curation and marketing potential there, don't you think? Let's bring that future together!
Your SP gives you ownership of a share of new and promising technology.
Now that is one way to see it. And I thought it was high time that I took a brave leap of faith and join something new in its early stages. I was even sorry I had missed the first couple of years. But there was...there is still time. To be a part of a good future. You can't be everywhere. But this sounded like a great place to be at.
• My initial challenges & how I overcame them
I started from zero, invested no money, I knew nobody but one man. I was still my old stubborn self, resisting new ideas. Like Discord. Let's say, I already knew people in the first couple of weeks. I found photo competitions which helped me immensely. I won a few rewards and that made hundreds of times more income than my 0.02 cents dust posts. Into which I put so much energy. Desperation was always near but never took hold. Because I read. I read a lot and I got to know how others did it. They all rambled something about Discord but still, I resisted. I followed most of the other pieces of advice, though. I commented on interesting topics, I found some tags that led to relevant initiatives that were interesting to me...And people kept mentioning that Discord.
You know what? I had Discord installed already, thanks to a couple of friends whom I used to play Wildstar with. Wait. We played only once or twice together.
But I thought "Not yet. I need to know more first."
Until "There's no better place to get to know things. Just surrender, go there, talk to people. Ask. Share. Participate."
• My Steem blockchain knowledge
Well, I knew next to zero, at first. Well, I learned the FAQ section. Of Steemit. And that's my first advice to newcomers. Read da faqin' FAQ! I am not so sure it gets updated as soon as it should be. Considering HardForks change the rules and it's the Steemit we're talking about and communication was well done initially. I even got a personal response by email from the creator when I thought I had found a problem. It was my mistake and probably noobish. I was scared those new monitoring sites I had just learned about revealed too much info, including the keys of other people. Well, it turned out there was a crucial difference between public keys and private keys. I felt stupid for even asking but I felt safe again. Safe&Stupid, maybe I should trademark that.
Little by little I got to know those alternative portals to the blockchain and I got to know about various UIs.
It was that changed the level I could communicate at. Then the Discord communities. Then Gina bot on Discord. Our mutual personal A.I. secretary. I was always fascinated by sci-fi stuff and this was beginning to feel like it.
Now I know bits of the roles of witnesses and how bad we need them for this all to work. And also I know there are lots of caring and supersmart people here with us. A lot of opportunities created. And increasing. And so there's a lot of space for everyone to find any of the spaces where one fits well.
• My Steem favourites
Well, I came here to share photography and get inspired. the thing is...I get inspired by too many things to keep track of. And I want to do too many things to be focused at all. So...still working on my short-term focus. It must be able to someday substitute the long-term focus some people have or I will remain a child until I die.
Anyway, what was I focusing on here...? Right, photography. Then fiction. I first discovered cool photography-supporting initiatives like @photomag, @monochromes, @photofeed, @photocircle, @bescouted. Then I learned about @travelfeed and I got back to my old love of sharing travel experience. And then the writes communities took me away from my main focus and back into Dreamland. Like @bananafish and @freewritehouse.
Then I joined the @steemitbloggers community, later transformed into the PowerHouseCreatives and I felt a part of an awesome group whose collective voice carried far across the Steem network. And I lost my focus even further. What can I do, I love All Creation!
By the way, there's a time for everything. I think it's the right time for me to lose my focus and ...see the bigger picture. Staying focused is generally a good thing. But having knowledge is important, too. I learn a lot. And I will learn to focus on what I have to and when I have to.
• My golden nugget advice
Always stay focused!
I'm kidding. Learn first. Read a lot. Communicate. Get to know people around here. There's the real gold. The knowledge of the people on a platform is worth more than any other reward any platform provides.
• My Steem hood & its peeps
So, focusing here and there, I cannot be everywhere. Not all the time. But I am a lot of places at different points of time. Cool places. ThePowerHouseCreatives, A.K.A. @steemitbloggers like Steem, is not a place. It's @jaynie, @zord189, and all the rest of the souls working for promoting the blockchain through their ideas. Supported and inspired by @theycallmedan, @bluemist, and others.
I also loved and will love being part of the @bananafish realm, the @crowdmind group, @travelfeed, @fundition, where projects begin and reach their own skies (I started a couple, participated in a couple. Even without the sub-platform we created a couple of books and put them out there on Amazon in an attempt to promote the blockchain of Steem as a place to get to know people and do the job with them. That was our @steemfiction period when I felt a part of a good writing and editing team...). Also, the PeoplePhotography challenge that was, an awesome initiative by @worldcapture. The constant motivation, and discussions that go along with the posts of @tarazkp, one of the most dedicated Steemians I can think of right now.
And since my mind can encompass only a bit of all the clouds of awesomeness, I shall try and give it a rest. There's much more to be discovered around here and I will leave that to those of you who have the passion and the patience to bring some change to themselves and their environment.
P.S. Let me tag my five choices here, of people whose stories I would like to read and learn from. Hey, @worldcapture, @vesytz, @lightcaptured, @outlinez, @jpphotography, would you like to join on the initiative?
Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By”
The first three tags in order are to be as follows:
#mysteemstoryONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.
Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
instructions etc.)Replace the personal photo with one of your own.
Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.
Share your post to twitter.
Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.
Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:
• Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)
• My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)
• My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)
• My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)
• My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)
• My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)
My Twitter #posh link:
This really is an awesome place for creatives, isn't it? It does take a great deal of work, but anything good really does. And your photography rocks!
Thanks, it's up to us work the great deal ;)
I think we are all happy to have been able to participate in this initiative, let's keep on working together, happy day and happy weekend
I am reading all the mysteemstories and upvoting all,. Loved that Gina bot changed your life along with discord, as it did mine. You forgot to mention that you have a great Free accessible library of pictures to use
That is interesting that you came to Steem looking to get recognized, your work recognized! I had never thought of it in that manner!
I am really enjoying your photography and I love this place for sharing photography and learning from experts like you!
Thanks for sharing your Steem story!
Great #mysteemstory buddy, I'm sorry I'm so late reading everybody's post @manoldonchev 🙏
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We're so happy to hear that we're part of your Steem Story!