General Comment Party: WK10

in africansonsteem4 months ago

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Over to the tenth week for this contest and we have always believed that things will be better soon. The previous one wasn't really massive and I believe this week contest will be very productive. The community is currently active and maintaining it's activeness won't be possible if we don't keep on commenting and posting.

We have noticed that the engagement rate in this platform is very poor and is important to increase the engagement rate in this platform that's why we decided to begin a comment contest in this new community to see if it can increase the rate of engagement in this platform. Never stop commenting!

Contest Theme

As we all know is all about commenting and making the conversation more lively and interesting. So this is what you have to do every week. Create a comment related to the phrase I will bring in a week and then upload one picture or video related to it. This is the phrase for this week 👇 You can use as a notepad to detect your number of words.

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Contest Rules

  • This contest is meant for every steemian.
  • Your comment should be in under this post.
  • Ensure you subscribe to this community Africans on Steem first.
  • Your comment must be minimum of 100 words.
  • Vote and reply to the entry of at least 3 participants and keep a good conservation.
  • Participants much upload one picture and add the necessary source if necessary.
  • Plagiarism is highly prohibited.
  • Upvote and resteem this post.
  • Use the hashtags #engagementparty #comment, #steemexclusive, yourcountry, at the ending of your comment.
  • Post your comment in English language for easy engagement.
  • Invite at least 3 steemians to participate in this contest.
  • Contest ends once the post payout.

Prize For Winners

The best three (3) engagement gets the prize and it will be announced in the comment section.

3 steem power
2 steem power
1 steem power

@disconnect and @wakeupkitty.

Social media platforms

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Witness voting

Click HERE to vote our witness account

Africans on Steem Team

@chibuzorwisdom, @symbionts @ chinonso1, @ oadissin, @ saintkelvin17 and muhammad-ahmad

50 SP|100 SP|500 SP|1000 SP|1500 SP|2000 SP
2500 SP|3000 SP|3500 SP|4000 SP|4500 SP|5000 SP

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 4 months ago 

Korupsi merupakan suatu penyakit yang sudah mendarah daging bagi sebagian orang, bahkan bukan hanya sebagian tapi cenderung lebih banyak, dimana-mana korupsi selalu hidup dengan subur.

Walaupun pemerintah telah menetapkan aturan dan hukum namun mereka tidak segan-segan melanggarnya, memerangi korupsi bukanlah hal yang mudah jika mereka sendiri tidak di barengi iman dan taqwa dan mereka tidak takut dengan aturan di dunia.

Hanya segentir orang yang menjauhi korupsi karena mereka tahu pengadilan Tuhannya nanti lebih perih di akhirat, manusia akan menghalalkan segala cara untuk mendapatkan keinginannya dan uang adalah faktor utamanya yang mereka kejar.

Berbicara masalah uang, manusia berlomba-lomba mengejarnya sehingga dia tidak akan perduli sekelilingnya,bahkan saudaranya sekalipun dia akan gelap mata.

apakah negara kita berani melakukan seperti di negara cina, dengan hukuman penjara seumur hidup, memiskinkan dirinya serta hak politiknya di cabut seumur hidup.

Di negaraku, yang melakukan korupsi malah hidup nyaman di penjara dan itupun hanya sebentar saja hukumannya karena nanti bisa di beli dengan uang kemudian mereka bebas, sementara rakyat kecil yang hanya mengambil 1 buah semangka karena lapar malah dihukum tanpa ampun. miris sekali teman.

@mini80 ,@watii ,@ninapenda

#engagementparty #comment #steemexclusive #indonesia

Coba hukumannya potong tangan ya,msih ada gak yg berani korupsi ya.
Bahkan di penjara juga kamarnya enak
Bu,bahkan ber AC,makannya mereka gak
jera.terima kasih sudah mengundang saya bu

 4 months ago 

Sama-sama Bu, mana ada undang-undangnya di negara kita seperti itu, lihatlah kasus yang lebih parah lagi pun yang katanya hukuman mati pun sampai sekarang masih hidup, padahal kasusnya bukan cuma pembunuhan dan penganiayaan, dia juga korupsikan.

Itulah,hukum di negara kita pandang bulu,yg ber-uang yang berkuasa

 4 months ago 

Hihihihi yg beruang itu berbulu juga Bu🤭



Let's be honest it's a little of an over statement to say that corruption can be stopped at all but it can be minimized.

Minimizing corruption in Africa requires a multitude of approaches.

We have to implement strict anti-corruption laws and ensuring their enforcement is crucial because the one's making the law's break them themselves.

Strengthening institutions and promoting transparency in government operations can help build public trust.
Encouraging public participation and empowering civil society to hold leaders accountable is essential leaders are not to feel that they are above the law and then Improving education and raising awareness about the negative impacts of corruption and making integrity part of our culture. Leveraging technology, such as digital record-keeping and blockchain, can reduce opportunities for corrupt practices in government.

International cooperation and support from global organizations promoting good governance.

@dexsyluz @deelyt @suryati1 share your thoughts and let's be active also support my new easy contest by following the link below:

Steem top Photographers Contest


#engagementparty #comment, #steemexclusive

 4 months ago 

Terimakasih teman sudah mengundang saya, semoga anda beruntung ya di kontes ini 🌹

Sure thing eventually things will get better soon as long as we keep doing the right thing to grow our community..

Thank you for your vote of confidence @steemcurator07

Try to reach out to others. You can read and comment on 3 posts per day to start with. You need contacts so invest in yourself by investing in others.


Eventually we can all win once we come together and work as a unit to develop each other empower and share because on steem we stay active.
That's what it's all about one day I would even like to run fundraiser's for donations to help those in difficult circumstances at the end of the day we really need some motivation to build our community society and people. I say no to corruption ‼️


 4 months ago 

Greetings friend, yes corruption is something I can't think can totally come to an end, I believe it should be minimize, alot of people are filled with greed, some are very lazy and they don't want to work at all, things like this one of the reasons corruption existed among human beings. I wish you good luck in this contest.

Thank you for reaching out. Corruption has taken so many forms and shapes. We now eventually bare the question why.

We know money is never enough but our leaders would rather manipulate the system and sit in office just continuing things that have already been implemented and then they can't set a new trend.
All you need to do as a leader is find one problem that is mostly on the hearts of society and work on that first I think they believe that they are now to fix everything over night which in turn causes burn out.. sad really sad.


 4 months ago (edited)

Fighting Corruption?

Corruption can be found among all kinds of people. It is not something typical for governments but companies, aid organizations, schools, everywhere people participate in it to some extent. Those who cannot achieve something in the normal way (skills, intelligence) will find another method. Money is one of the methods. Everything has a price, they say. Where? I am not so sure but those who are in need will certainly be more willing to cut corners than those who are not interested in materialism and making a career. It seems tiring to me to always have to look over your shoulder to see if you are not being followed, if no one has it in for you or is planning to stab you in the back. Corrupt people have no friends, only enemies and people who are perhaps even greedier than they are.
Corruption can also be found in hospitals. The Korean series Dr. Romantic is a good example of this. It almost makes you sick to see how sickening some people are (I hope the actor playing the director of the hospital in the capital is a good actor and not himself). You can call it drama and not real but this definitely happens from the Pope to Mother Theresa and the Royal Family.

@oliva08 @clarvin @darthnava let's hear your tip to fight corruption. I think that is impossible and the only way to avoid being confronted with it is to stay away and do your own thing to participate.

#engagementparty #comment #steemexclusive @holland

Well said today in this time nothing is more important than love.

 4 months ago 

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List

Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 29th November 2024

🌟 Contest alerts are now proudly sponsored by the WOX community! 🌟

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#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

 4 months ago 

Congratulations to our previous winners.



 4 months ago 

Thank you so much, i will keep on creating meaningful and quality comments in steemit.

Wow this is incredible you are definitely making a difference in our community thank you for the opportunity it's definitely appreciated sincerely.. I can't wait for the next contest let's go..

Kind regards


 4 months ago 

MasyaAllah, terimakasih sudah memilih saya sebagai salah satu pemenang, saya sangat berterimakasih sekali, ini merupakan hal yang luar biasa.

Selamat juga kepada pemenang lainnya 🎉

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