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RE: Nuevo concurso " Cuéntame una Historia Original Al Revés "
Your post has been successfully curated by @inspiracion at 35%.
Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.Assigning a beneficiary should not be among the rules. It's optional, but don't put it in the rules.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo.
Entiendo que no se debe solicitar que coloquen beneficiario, pero está como opcional.
No sé si es a eso te referías o es que no se puede poner aún como opcional, igual lo edite y lo saque de las reglas.
Saludos 🤗