Steemit Engagement Challenge/I take care of the planet and you? by @nikoyana
Greetings amazing steemians, it is my first participation in this community and I am glad I am writing about the earth planet and how I take care of it in my little way.
A magazine article about Earth Day is read by students and information about the environment is discussed. They brainstorm what ways they can make every day Earth Day by making small changes that have a big impact on the environment.
We really don't have to leave the jobs for scientists alone, we all need to care for the earth and it's environment.
We associate conservation with great ideas and inventions or creations that help us take care of the earth. Conservation starts with simple habits and things.
Polythene bags are one of the main polluting agents on our planet. I want to help, so I’ve began carrying my lunch in reusable containers and using fabric produce bags when I go grocery shopping..
Polythene bags are something that is common and simple but has devastating effects on the environment most especially the ones they use for production of pure water sachet here in my country nigeria. That's why I've been recycling my plastic objects for a number of years.
So it is obvious that they hardly decay and people tend to just dispose them anyhow. so just like a typical nigeria mom would teach every child in their houses to save them up to reuse instead of collecting a new one each time they go to buy.
below is the image of some that I have saved up.

In order to save the earth, I will advise that rather than dispose them on the ground anyhow, it is advised to gather them up and burn because they can stay in the soil for years without decaying killing the soil nutrients and making the soil not fit for use both in planting and building.

Finally, I invite my friends to join this contest @camzy, @ebiis and @chinma and give their input on the earth day contest.
Hola amigo, un gusto saludarte y leer tú participación. Ciertamente desechar ese tipo de plásticos afecta mucho el ecosistema y más si hay animales que puedan comer esos plásticos le crean muchos problemas en el estómago, deberían de usar otra forma de desecharlo ya que si quemas igual estás contaminando el medio ambiente, si ubicas algún ente que recicle ese material sería lo ideal.
Hello @nikoyana , bags can take up to five hundred years to completely degrade, so I think it's great that you replace them with a cloth bag or ecological bag and although many times it is inevitable not to use a plastic bag, there is also the option of reusing them again as many times as possible.
I wish you success in this new dynamic, Greetings!