Steemit Engagement Contest: I Take Care of Planet and You? by arinzegod12

As we all know earth is the only planet that can sustain human life, God created our planet and it was perfect, He surrounded us with planets, dry land, abundance of water and animals, then he placed us we humans as protectors and care takers of earth. Now who is a care taker? A care taker is one looks after something to prevent its destruction. As humans we must that the earth remains safe, clean and free from pollution because this is the only planet that supports life.
However, for humans to survive, we need the available resources on the surface and beneath the grounds to make our life easier, getting those resources to produce needed materials can be hazardous to the society. Like for example the need for firewood, char coal or timber for building houses has led to massive deforestation which in turn affects our air quality and lives the soil unprotected against erosion.
Indiscriminate disposal of waste also causes havoc because some of these wastes like plastics are not degradable, the use of non-renewable energy like petrol and diesel releases harmful pollutants into the air making breathing unhealthy. All these have terrible effects on our environment, our water, air and land becomes contaminated and this leads to Global Warming or Climate Change which becomes disastrous for us.

Five easy steps to take care of our Planet🌍🌎🌏

Proper disposal of waste and recycling♻️♻️
Waste are materials that we may no longer have use for them, so we dispose it. They could be Degradable or Non-Degradable Waste. Degradable Waste are those waste that could be broken down by microbes into smaller molecules while Non-Degradable Waste cannot be broken down this includes plastics, tins etc. Now the disposal methods for the both are not the same. Degradable waste should go through a treatment plant or sewer system where they are treated and then properly disposed while Non-Degradable Waste should be recycled.
How do you recycle plastics?
You can drop them at recycling plants where they would be broken down and transformed to other projects e.g used plastic cans can be transformed to combs, plastic toys etc
Plastics can be used to store food or water. For example we use ice cream containers in my house to store soup in the fridge.

Recycling means making a used product re-usable, this is good for plastics, old clothes, glass, tins etc. Burning these products will only release harmful substance into the air.

Planting of trees🌱🌱
Trees are very important to our environment and must be protected at all cost, the Amazon Forest is known as the Lungs of the World because of the large amount of trees she harbours. Sometime last Three or Four years a huge fire broke out in the Amazon and there was huge outcry from the world at a time when climate change is deemed a global issue threatening human sustainability. The planting of trees is called Afforestation, in as much as trees make for good raw materials when we cut or burn down these trees we should also work towards replacing them by practicing Afforestation. In my house we plant trees in our garden as part of our efforts in combatting the effects of climate change.

Trees help to keep our environment clean as they absorb carbon dioxide and give out Oxygen needed by humans, they beautify our environment, source of food for humans and animal and protect our souls from erosion.

Making use of renewable energy☀️🌀
Everything we need to generate energy has been provided in nature by God, some are harmful to the society like petrol and diesel while some are not. Non-renewable energy are not reliable source because they cannot be stored to be re-used and they can pollute the environment eventually they run dry. But renewable energy are clean source of energy because they make use of natural elements like the sun, wind to generate electricity. They are cleaner, healthier, noiseless and do not release pollutants into the environment. They include use of Solar Panels, Wind Turbine and Electric Vehicles.

Conserve Energy📴🛶🚋
Another way to take care of our environment is to conserve energy by ensuring that all electrical appliance that are not in use to be turned off. We should also try other means of transportation like cycling, walking, canoeing to reduce our carbon footprint. All this will help to keep our environment in a better condition.

Educating people on the importance of a healthy environment
The Government, Civil Societies and even Private Individuals should educate people on how to keep our environment clean and safe. A lot of people wallow in Ignorance on why our environment should be kept safe. Proper disposal of waste should be taught in schools and every institution of learning

We have only one planet to live on and it is our duty as care takers to keep this planet, wouldn't it be a shame that the most intelligent being can't keep what is most important to them safe. Our environment is what sustains, it is what keeps us alive, if we ruin it we have no other place to go to and the consequences of living in a contaminated environment is terrible. So we must go Green and love our environment as we love ourselves.
I am inviting @anyiglobal, @swaylee and @whitestallion to participate in this contest
You have said it all man, luckily I also dropped my entry yesterday night. When it comes to Reduce, Re-use and recycle, I believe we Africans engage in that alot not everyone though but a substandard number of us. Especially when it boils down to the use of plastic containers, bottles and bags
Taking care of our planet is vital because it happens to be the only place habitable for us in the entire universe and if we lose it, we will lose ourselves.
You have rightly stated how we can contribute to making our planet better and I appreciate you for that.
Thank you.
Yea, you are right trees are so so important to the ecosystem system and it's our duty to let this tree leaves live. Thanks for sharing.
I believe that recycling is the major concern we need to implement in the society, dumping of refuses and waste in the drainage is not a good idea. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Yes the earth is our home and it's our duty to take care of our home to preserve it and I totally agree with you on the ways to take care of it because just like you stated trees help absorb the rather dangerous carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen safe for humans to breath in that's why I think deforestation should be discouraged as it is a sure way to disrupt the natural order of things and kill the plannet.
I believe recycling of plastic and planting of trees is a sure good way to help in preserving of our beautiful planet
Greetings... I really liked the introduction, where you talk to us about the way in which God created everything and we should be caretakers, as you put it... I hope that people become aware, I congratulate you for your participation, it is very educational.
Thank you so much
The more we do good to our planet by not harming the natural things that are meant to protect us the better life becomes.
A lot of factories and companies has destroyed the atmospheres, same as refuge disposals.
Burning farms and bushes as well destroys the soil which is part of nature’s gift so we can plant and eat.
You will see that everything we do against nature pays us back one way or the other.
Hello friend, very good entry, it is important to do something for our planet since it is our fault it is as it is, it is necessary to learn about its care properly. I recommend you to put the sources of all the images you use so they are your property.
Thanks for your participation.
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It gives me Soo much joy to see that you under the positive benefits of planting trees,
By planting trees we stand to get bore benefits than bad onces