"BE SLOW TO ANGER" (A Tale by my late Grandpa)

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It was on a calm summer evening when my Grandpa last visited before his demise, I was just about 10 years of age. He promised to tell I and my younger brother a story before his departure the next day, which I reminded him on a evening before, and then he began.

Once upon a time, in a small town, called "Panera" lived a popular farmer named 'Nilmar'. He had the biggest farm in that community in which lots of traders from far and near, come to buy his goods, and at the same time he was an excellent hunter who almost never misses his target.

He had a beautiful wife called 'Anne' who was pregnant at the time, and he also had a dog named "Bruno". Bruno was a good and intelligent dog who is well mannered, knows a few tricks, and is always of great assist to its master, indeed he was a fantastic dog to behold.

One day, Nilmar and his dog returned home after the day's job, his wife, welcomed him with a kiss and served him his meal, shortly after he started eating, Anne's water broke and she was ready to give birth to their first child, having waited for 7 years without a child.
So Nilmar quickly rushed his wife to a nearby hospital. She was attended to, and Nilmar was asked to stay at the waiting room, him being so anxious and expectant, was waiting to hear the good news.

After a few hours the doctor came out, and immediately Nilmar rushed to him, and the doctor said "congratulations, you now have a baby girl, but unfortunately your wife didn't make it, I'm so sorry", and at once Nilmar was filled with a mixture of joy and pain at the same time and broke in tears uncontrollably, he really loved his wife.
Few days past in his grief, he buried his wife, and
couldn't get over her in a hurry, he then decided not to remarry. Though it was tough taking care of the baby and carrying out his daily activities at the farm, he was doing a great job.
His dog Bruno was so fond of the baby that it always sleep beside her at night and almost never leaves her sight during the day, and at this time the baby was barely 3months old.

A day came, that Nilmar decided to go hunt for meat, he picked up his riffle and a few stuffs and set out, and he left Bruno the dog behind to stay home with the baby. His outing that day wasn't successful and never had a catch, he then decided to retire home early.

On his way back, already upset at his poor outing, he saw Bruno the dog outside his house, and Bruno was stained with so much blood on his face, mouth, and some parts of his body, and started barking at the sight of his master, with shock at the sight of this, Nilmar shouted " BRUNO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU KILLED THE BABY", still coming closer to the house, Nilmar was devastated and very angry at the dog, though he kept barking, Nilmar quickly pointed his riffle at the dog and suddenly pulled the trigger "Boom" and immediately Bruno died.

So Nilmar rushed into the house to see the remains of his baby, entering the baby's room, he saw the baby playing and smiling on the bed and a very big python which sneaked into the house in attempt to attack the baby, but was killed by Bruno the dog, and immediately Nilmar fell to the floor and broke down in tears.


Nilmar indeed had a great dog, but had he being a little more patient, he would have known that the blood Bruno was stained with, was that of the python and not the baby's, and his dog Bruno would still be alive, but unfortunately he was too quick to make judgements.

What I learnt personally

I learnt it will save me a whole lot if I'm not hastened to take action while being angry, but rather try to be a bit calm and carefully look into a particular situation before swinging into action, and this lessons has helped me a whole lot while growing.

Thanks a lot for reading

 4 years ago (edited)

Amazing and beautiful writing my friend! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Thank you so much @belenguerra for taking your time to read through as well as your kind words, I'm grateful