How to reach your goals for the new year

How to reach your goals for the new year


Goal setting is one of the most important steps in the development of any person, consciously setting goals forces you to reflect on the place you want to get to, it marks a path that you must follow by defining the small daily actions that you must perform and it makes your internal engine start to achieve what you have set out to do.

The definition of an objective would be like the light in the distance thanks to which you know where you should go, so I think it is essential to take some time to think and write what are these objectives that you want to pursue, both in the long or medium term as well as In the short term, therefore, to be able to carry out this definition in the most efficient way possible and thus avoid falling into some errors that are very common when establishing these goals and for this we will follow the theory of objectives SMART, its acronym, indicates the five main characteristics that must be met so that the process of achieving it is as realistic as possible.

Be specific

In the first place, we would have the S for specific, that is, the objectives that we set should be as specific as we can and what does this mean since we must try to create all kinds of details that define these objectives and that help us to visualize them in our mind, On many occasions we define our goals quite abstractly and say things like I want to be an entrepreneur, I would like to maintain good health or I want to become a renowned singer, which are things that do not really define a direction to follow very well.

The more details there are in defining your goal, the easier it will be for you to identify the actions necessary to achieve it, that may be larger, it may be smaller but we all have goals, so I advise you to sit down and take some time to write down all the details of yours, as this will help you visualize me as a real possibility and you will be much, much more likely to intentionally move towards this goal.

Measure your progress

Secondly, we have the M for measurable, which means having indicators that tell us to what extent we are progressing towards our objective, in this sense the best idea is to set a key performance indicator also known as kpy that indicates the degree of compliance. that we are doing through a specific figure or percentage, if you are studying a career your indicator can be your grades, if you are looking to get in shape you can use your weight or your body mass index, if you create online content you can use the number of subscribers clicks or likes or if you have set up a business you will have the sales figure, the profit or different microeconomic indicators.

What we are looking for with these indicators is to know the exact point where we are to know with certainty if we are moving forward and at what speed we are doing it, in this way it will be much easier to know if what we are doing helps us or not and we can correct our actions if necessary.


Thirdly, we find the achievable A, that is, our objective is realistic or it is more a fruit of our imagination, this point is one of the most dangerous on a personal level, since in most cases we tend to underestimate our capacities and think that we will never be able to achieve what we want, however this undervaluation usually appears to justify the rejection we feel towards the effort that we will have to make and the time that we will have to invest, and thus convince ourselves that the best idea is to stay still and not try nothing, for that reason we must assess the objective that we set ourselves very carefully and in the most realistic way possible.


In the fourth place we would find R as relevant, which refers to the importance that this objective has for you, this means that we must analyze ourselves well and unravel what our true interests are, those for which we feel it would be worth fighting , It is indisputable that our environment is going to have an enormous influence on us and it is going to put it in our heads that we must pursue certain things simply because they are the most socially accepted or desired.

Here we would find the expectations that your parents may have, those professions that are better or worse seen in your country or the popular fashions or ideologies that exist at this time, we must try to get rid of their conditioning that we all have and see if that is really true. that we are going to pursue is something relevant to us or not, and if we conclude that it is not, put it aside and try to find an address that is and do not worry about getting to know what is most important for you is achieved trying all sorts of things and changing them until you hit the nail on the head.

Make it temporary

And finally, we would have T as temporary, which means that we should establish specific deadlines to meet our objectives, I think this does not need much explanation, since if we do all of the above but do not set an approximate deadline, what we will do is delay the actions that we must take because we will not have that sense of urgency that in many cases prompts us to move, for that reason to be able to act towards our goal without being distracted or thinking that it is something that will arrive in due course, the best we can do is define that period taking into account the stages through which we will have to pass.

This will make you aware that each day that passes is a day that you can take advantage of to be closer to your purpose and you will make time a crucial factor in the equation, so you will feel that you should not waste it on nonsensical things.

I assure you that applying these 5 points in all those objectives that you set yourself is something that sheds a lot of light on them and that will help you start your internal engine in the right direction.

 3 years ago 

Good post. Very useful tips. Thank you for sharing 😃