The Cartels

in Writing & Reviews4 years ago

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In the history of the cartel business, never had it been imagined that a woman would some day be the leader of a cartel, not to talk of two. But Giselle wasn’t like every other women out there, she was determined to do the impossible.

Twenty one years ago, during the time when marriages between families were still used to settle dispute and bring unity, Giselle, at the age of fourteen had been forced by her father to marry the son of a very powerful rival. Giselle had objected but there was little or nothing she could do about it. Her father had spoken and all she could do was obeyed.

So Giselle had married Hernandez, the only son of Raul. The wedding had been done in a very fashionable way. Everyone was happy about the union, everyone except Giselle. But Giselle had a plan, a plan she knew would take years and time to perfect so she had remained calm. She had waited until Hernandez father was no more before putting her plans into motion. Raul was a man of power and influence and she knew he wouldn’t hesitate in killing her if he heard even a rumor of what she had in mind.

So when Raul had passed, Giselle had immediately gotten to work. For twenty years she had planned this day, the day where she gets to kill her own father.

It was a tradition for all associates of the cartel to come pay their last respect before the body was placed in the ground, so Giselle had perfectly laid an ambush for her father. His vehicle had been riddled mercilessly with bullets on his way to the funeral.

The moment words got to her that her father was no more, Giselle had signaled at one of Hernandez men and he immediately knew what to do. Giselle had found a way to get almost all of Hernandez men to be loyal to her in preparation of this day. She knew that not all of them would agree with what she had planned and that some of them may even try to alert Hernandez of the coming danger, so she had been real picky and had killed those who had wanted to sabotage her plan.

Giselle had taken her seat beside Hernandez as one of his men gave him a glass of wine. Giselle didn’t even spare him a glance as he walked past her but right at the corner of her lips, was a tiny smile as Hernandez took a sip from the drink. Twenty minutes after that and Hernandez was shaking on the floor, foams coming out of his mouth like he was having a convulsion. He had immediately been rushed to the family’s hospital but few minutes after getting there, he was declared dead.

Everyone was confused as to what was happening as news of Giselle’s father death also got to them. They had no idea what was happening until it was time for Raul to be buried. It was a rule among the cartels that the next cartel boss should be the first person to pour sand on the casket and seeing that Hernandez, the only son of Raul was no more, they had no idea who would be the first to do the honors.

This was the moment Giselle had been waiting for and as expected, when she offered to do it, everyone had refused. Never has it been heard that a woman became the head of a cartel they said, but Giselle was prepared for this. She smiled as her armed men immediately surrounded the place.

“If there’s anyone objecting to my accession as the new boss of the cartel, please step forward” Giselle said and watched as no one made a move. She smiled again and was about to continue when someone interrupted her. Giselle immediately fired a bullet at him, hitting him on his neck. “Anyone else?” She asked as everyone looked at her terrified.

“Good” she said as she gave her gun over to one of her men and bent down to pour the sand before walking away.

Twenty one years ago, her father and Hernandez had taken advantage over her because she was a kid, no one would ever do that to her again.

She would be the first woman to rule over two cartels and she would destroy anyone who would try to stand in her way.