Task:- My Favourite Childhood story "Never Judge A Book By it's Cover"

in Writing & Reviews4 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone, so today I would like to share a story my mum told me while I was 8 years old of which I still vividly remember. till today, my story goes thus.😊

There was a Kingdom named Talinko, which has a very great King called "Taboma" which means "Lion heart" who was extremely rich and generous, and was also a skilled hunter and a great warrior in his youthful age. He was loved by all the villagers because of his generousity and his hate for injustice, all the servants in the. palace which includes the bodyguards and maids were treated so nicely as well as their families outside the palace, life was so exciting in the kingdom of Talinko and King Taboma was indeed loved by his people.

The King's first wife who was called Queen sachel, died during child birth, bore a son for the King but kicked the bucket shortly after the delivery, and the son was called Prince Jamal. Few months later the King married another wife who became the Queen, she was called "Lana", and unlike some other step mother's, Queen Lana took very good care of Prince Jamal as her own son and later birthed two additional kids for the King, a male and a female, named Suco and Nadege, and the children of the king grew up loving each other so much and had a wonderful child hood together.
Though the King was very well known across the Kingdom, he somehow didn't allow his children to be so known in other kingdoms outside his kingdom due to security reasons and other reasons best known to him.

Years passed, and by this time, Prince Jamal as well as his siblings were now adults, and Jamal who is the heir to the throne, was ripe and ready for marriage, though his father did a big beauty pageant for him featuring the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom so he could make a choice of a wife he refused, and rather told his father the king that he would rather pick a wife from another village of his choice, and knowing he was really loved by the King, his wish was granted, and was giving a host of bodyguards and a lot of horses as well as loads of gift items and so much money for the journey, but he insisted he would rather travel alone, and his father hugged him and wished him well on his journey, and requested he sends for back up incase of danger.
So he went with a few stuffs, like his clothe, his favourite horse as well as the palace errand eagle, he never took any royal outfit to avoid suspicion, and so he took off, but the king wanting to make sure his son will be safe, sent to palace guards after him without his knowledge to protect him as well and bring back feedbacks.

So Prince Jamal travelled through so many kingdom and later settled for one which was called "Pinlawe", and it took Prince Jamala whooping four days ride to get there. He rented a place and because the villagers were really nice to strangers, it was quite easy to settle in, and few days after was the kingdom's carnival, it was so much fun, with lots of dancing, good, wines and many more, and during this event, he made lots of friends who believed he was just a farmer by profession and just relocated to the kingdom in search of green pastures.
In all these events Jamal came across a really beautiful lady named "Sephine" she was alongside her friend "Juliet" who was also very beautiful, but Prince Jamal had eyes on Sephine, he didn't go straight to the point at the instance but became friends with both of them, then even some times go to the river to fish together and do some other activities as well as a triad of friends.

So one day after months of friendship, Jamal made his intention about Sephine first known to Juliet because he was much closer to her than Sephine, and asked for her opinion, Juliet was excited because of course Jamal was a handsome guy and very friendly, so they both planned the day he would ask her out without Sephine's knowledge.
And so the day came, Jamal requested an outing alone with Sephine, which she accepted, he gave her a treat in an average way according to the undercover status, and then during the course of it all, he asked Sephine out and told her how he felt, she was quite until he was done, then she bursted into laughter and told him bluntly that he isn't her type and that she doesn't like poor men, and do not plan to date or marry one, and she she only became his friend because Juliet insisted, then shortly after Sephine left Jamal at the meeting point, hissed and walked away without even saying goodbye.

Jamal felt broken hearted after his meeting with Sephine, that he found it difficult to sleep or even eat throughout that night, so the next day he meet with Juliet and told her how it went and Sephine's response while in tears, but Juliet comforted him, and for a prince who has never been rejected or even stressed as such fell sick shortly after, though he was still friends with both Sephine and Juliet, Sephine never checked up on him for once during these times she suddenly became cold towards him, but Juliet was the only one who took care of him, got food stuffs and medicine with her Money and took really good care of Jamal until he was much better. And during all these time of his illness, Jamal had a change of heart, he feel in love with Juliet and decided to ask her out, and also went straight to the point that he would like to marry her if she would agree? Juliet who already had feelings for him already said yes without hesitation, when Sephine heard this she tried to talk her out of it that she would suffer if she marries a poor farmer, but Juliet said she loves him and is ready to stand by his side to make things work out.


So knowing his mission to find a lady was finally accomplished, already Juliet's family requested to see Jamal's family, he then sent a message to his father King Taboma, who was really happy to hear the good news, and the King with his troop of guards, carried lots of horses, gifts, gold and so much more then travelled to the Kingdom of Pinlawe, and getting there it happens the King of Pinlawe is his old time friend, he made a quick stop there and also told the King to accompany him to Juliet's family house to see her parents on his son's behalf.

Juliet family already made some preparations , but didn't know they were about to face the biggest surprise of their lives. Sephine was at Juliet's place at the time expecting to see Jamal's poor family and probably mock him too, but shortly after she couldn't believe what she saw.
They began to hear loud drums and the royal trumpets, they at first thought maybe the king was passing by but even the noise was much more than that their king of Pinlawe would have made when passing by, they all had to rush out, and to their greatest surprise they all saw Jamal in his Princehood regalia but almost didn't recognize him at first, and on his right his father King Taboma, and on his left their own king, King Puma, they were so astonished that even while kneeling before his Highness, and most especially Sephine forgot to raise back her jaw because she was extremely surprised and ashamed of herself at the same time

King Puma gave the first speech, and told Juliet's family, that's his old friend King Taboma's son Prince Jamal wants to marry their daughter, even Juliet's parent was extremely surprised too because they've heard so much about the very rich and famous king Taboma, but never knew Jamal was his son all the while, and they were really happy too.
Shortly after Prince Jamal walked alongside four huge bodyguards straight to Sephine who was barely recovering from her shock of Jamal status quo, and said to her "Never judge a book by it's cover" she instantly was filled with regrets and broke down in tears.

Preparations were done and the wedding was carried out, it was the biggest wedding ever witnessed by many and was talked about across kingdoms.


In Summary of the Story

Jamal wanted to look for a lady that would love him for who he is and not because he's a prince and very rich, and his wish came through not exactly as he thought initially, but better than he thought, and if only Sephine was greedy and short sighted she wouldn't have lost this great opportunity.

Lesson Learnt

It's wrong to to just assume at first glance, because things aren't exactly the way they seem to appear most time, and like the title says, don't judge a book by it's cover, it sure stick well.

Thank you for your time 😊🙏🏽

 4 years ago 

Thank you for joining my friend! This story leaves us amazing teaching, not only for kids!!

Thank you belenguerra

 4 years ago 
