The Diary Game: Handling Home Chores/ Going To The Market [03/03/2025]

in Hot News Community27 days ago

Good day my friends, happy new week to everyone and welcome to another episode of my diary, this new week is fun already, walk with me let me tell you how my Monday went.

When I woke up by 7:15am, I was eager to see what the new week had in store for me so I said my morning prayers and left my room after making my bed. When I stepped out, I went to fetch water outside our compound because there hasn't been electricity to pump our compound water.

fetching water

When I finished fetching water, I came back home and took my bath before brushing my mouth. After taking care of myself, I went to the kitchen to prepare myself breakfast of spaghetti, then after eating I took my laptop and began to work.

I first started with creating some videos for product promotion till afternoon. And by 1pm I was already done with that, after I finished with creating the videos, I went to the market to get some stuffs to restock my kitchen because it was getting empty. The sun was really scorching me honestly but I had to bear.

at the market

When I came back from the market, it was 3pm already so I took my bath to freshen up and then had my nap of about an hour and when I woke up I was quite strong. When I woke up, I continued with farming Airdrops and running nodes then by 5pm I stepped out.

I just wanted to go strolling, so I bought this chocolate biscuit in my way so I could have what to snack on while strolling, the weather was mild and was beginning to be cold, I liked it anyways, so I strolled till 6:45pm then I came back home.

the chocolate biscuit I bought to snack on while strolling

Coming back home, I was tired and stressed, I was even sweating so I had to quickly prepare rice with beans for dinner then ate it and took my bath.

rice with beans for dinner

After taking my bath, I went outside to sit and rest while watching how the movement is in the yard. The breeze was oozing in and ofcourse after such a hot day, I was getting to enjoy cold weather.

resting this evening

While resting, I was beginning to feel sleepy so I decided to share my day before going to bed and this is me sharing it, after this I will be going to bed. Thank you so much for staying up with me till now, I really do appreciate.

Thank You For Reading 💗


Your post from Team6 has been curated by @solaymann.

 26 days ago 

@solaymann thank you for the curating support, thank you entire team 6.