My application for Atlas Ambassadors

in Hot News Communitylast month (edited)


Hello Friends of Hot News Community, meet again with me on the Steemit platform. May your day go well and be happy.

After seeing @pennsif post about STEEM ATLAS @ 6 Feb '25 - Would you like to be an Atlas Ambassador? , I was immediately interested in participating and hoped to be selected as one of the ambassadors. This will certainly increase my enthusiasm to continue supporting the Steem Atlas project to continue to grow, especially for users in Indonesia who are quite a lot.

Seeing the role that the Atlas ambassador will play, this is certainly a very interesting thing for me and there will also be a challenge for me personally. Moreover, I want to continue to learn and try to support the Steem Atlas Project, One of the ways is to try to provide posts that are by the Steem Atlas project.

As a condition of signing up as an Atlas Ambassador, here is a brief breakdown of my history on Steem :

A very brief summary of your Steem history

I am an active user with the account name @fantvwiki, in the real world I have the full name Irfan. My existence on Steemit starts in 2021, precisely on September 06th. Until now I continue to actively share stories and also various types of posts on the Steemit Platform, and I really enjoy my existence on this great platform.

Here is my Discord : fantvwiki4787

Details of languages you can speak and write

I am a user from Aceh province, Indonesia. The use of Indonesian and the use of the local language (Aceh) are two languages that I really master. Most of the English I can speak and write well, but the help of the Translator app is still the tool I use.

links to up to three of your best posts you have already made on Steem Atlas.

This week there have been a lot of posts that I linked to Steem Atlas, and I tried my best to provide relevant information, accurate location points, and selective and good photos to use. Here are the posts :


As a project that continues to grow, of course, many suggestions are expected to be realized. Some of these hopes are :

  • Steem Atlas can be accurate and real-time navigation.
  • Steem Atlas can directly find the place you are looking for through the search menu. (It has already started to be updated)
  • Steem Atlas can display 3D maps, to help you understand the shape and position of things in a place.
  • Steem Atlas can provide accurate distance information from one place to another.

Benefits of Steem Atlas personally

After exploring the world using Steem Atlas, I found things interesting that Google Maps does not have. In Steem Atlas a Steemit user or perhaps a user from outside Steemit will find place information that comes with detailed information from the personal experience of the place marker. The presentation of relevant images is another attraction, and the main thing is that it can be accessed by anyone at any time.

My biggest hope if I can be elected as an Atlas ambassador, is to get much better guidance from @pennssif related to Steem Atlas, so that I can help improve Steem Atlas according to my abilities and limitations. Broadly speaking my main focus if selected, is more on adding locations that I can share in the Steem atlas. I also want to help users to participate in the development of Steem Atlas.

Another thing is to show all users especially users from Indonesia, that using Steem Atlas is very interesting and helps many people to know many great places around the world. I will promote Steem Atlas using my social media accounts :

That's all for the application post to become an Atlas Ambassador, your support means a lot to me. Thank you.

About my account
PeriodJanuary 07, 2024 to February 07, 2025
Transfer to Vesting 495 Steem
Cash Out
443 Steem
CSI13.1 (0.00 % self, 83 upvotes, 57 accounts, last 7d)


 last month 

Kamu layak menjadi ambassador untuk Indonesia. Selain supel dan komunikatif, pekerjaan sehari-hari sebagai guru menjadi modal bagi kamu dalam mengenali setiap wilayah Indonesia dengan ragam kondisinya. Pengalaman sebagai pengelola komunitas, penulis, dan kurator menjadi dukungan lebih untuk menjadi pertimbangan lebih.

 last month 

Terima kasih atas dukungan anda Pak, modal yang akan bermanfaat bagi saya jika terpilih atau pun tidak terpilih. Menjadi bagian dari sebuah perkembangan terlihat menyenangkan.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

 last month 

Semoga anda terpilih menjadi salah duta atlas untuk indonesia . karena anda sangat pantas menjadi salah satu penyandang duta di steematlas. good job....

 last month 

Manarik dan menambah pengalaman, saya berharap anda juga mencobanya. Karena pengetahuan anda tentang banyak tempat, saya rasa akan sangat berguna.

Terima kasih untuk dukungannya.

 last month 

Saya sangat mendukung proposal ini, karena saya pikir anda layak untuk posisi ini. Anda punya pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang sangat baik. Anda akan menjadi Perwakilan dan penghubung antar Steemians, khususnya di Indonesia.

Saya harap anda akan sukses dalam lamaran ini.. 👍

 last month 

Saya harap begitu.
Terima kasih untuk dukungan anda bang chefdanie.

 last month 

I have no doubt about the review from Mr. @fantvwiki. Good luck sir.

 last month 

Terima kasih atas dukungannya bang walictd.

 last month 

You're welcome sir, keep up the good work.

 last month 

Semoga anda mendapatkan kesempatan dan terpilih sobat... 👍

 last month 

Kita lihat hasilnya, anda harus berbuat lebih untuk mendukung proyek ini teman, saya tidak meragukan anda. Ayo buat lamaran anda.

 last month 

Bapak memang layak di pilih, telah mengenalkan kami tentang steem atlas, dan menyempatkan waktu untuk memberikan masukkan serta bantuan.

 last month 

Kita sama sama belajar untuk mendukung semua hal menyenangkan dan baik seperti ini, semoga kamu memiliki banyak postingan bertema ini nantinya.

Terima kasih atas dukungan anda nananrazila.

Wow..this sounds cool and interesting i would like to partake this position but i don't really know how to explain further using english but i will try my support and lucks to you My friend you have a potential to be one of the steematlas ambassador looking forward for the results..


 last month 

you are much better than me my friend, i just try and try to support this project with the limited ability that i have. there is no harm in trying and taking this role.
Thank you for your support my brother.

Appreciate that kind of words my friend..

 last month 

Saya rasa pengalaman anda diberbagai peran dalam steemit layak mengantarkan anda menjadi dutaatlas. Semoga terpilih sir Irfan..good luck for you

 last month 

Terdengar terlalu berlebihan 😀, tapi saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan yang anda berikan ibu elagusella.🙏🏻

 last month 

Dengan senang hati Pak😀

 last month 

Nice post sir, I like to see your posts and read them. I am a small user, please support me.

 last month 

Thank you, keep up the good work on Steemit.🙏🏻🙏🏻

 last month 

Jika saya sebagai jurinya maka anda akan saya pilih Pak @fantvwiki.
Pengetahuan anda tentang steematlas sudah anda tunjukkan dari beberapa postingan anda. Anda juga seorang guru , saya yakin anda akan mampu memberikan pemahaman untuk yang lainnya. Dan saya rasa dan yakin anda sangat cocok menjadi duta untuk steematlas. Saya pribadi juga sudah mempelajarinya , dan anda salah satu guru yang mengajarkan saya tentang steematlas.
Sukses untuk anda 🙂👍

 last month 

Ya, mari belajar bersama sambil berbagi tempat-tempat indah dan penting yang anda kunjungi, atau suatu tempat di daerah anda, bersama Steem Atlas.

Terima kasih atas komentar baik dan dukungan yang ibu megaaulia berikan, salam terbaik untuk anda.