SEC S5W6 : My Bestie | Friendship of the Four
Steemit Engagement Challenge Session 5 Week 6 is almost over, only a few days left and of course Steemit Engagement Challenge Session 6 will start next week. On this occasion I would like to participate in a challenge organized by Hot News Community. The post for the challenge can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W6 | My Bestie.
Talking about how long I have known them, of course I have known them since childhood. Not only @klen.civil, @sofian88 and @umarcivil, I have known all of them since they were 15 years old. They are familiar to me and so are those who are familiar to me.
Maybe other stemians know @klen.civil, @sofian88 and @umarcivil when they join steemit. For me they are not only good friends, but they have become part of my family and they also consider my family as part of their family.
Of course I have known them long before getting to know steemit in early 2017 and the process of getting to know them because they come from the same area. From childhood to education we were in the same place.
The comfort when making friends is not only based on material things. Maybe it's because we have similarities and the same hobbies that we can be as comfortable as we are until now. Usually when we want to go somewhere, we are always together. Whether it's to a wedding or when doing refreshments.
It's just that there is a slight difference that happened with us. Where I, sofian88 and @umarcivil are married and have children, while @klen.civil still haven't found the right match. But right now we are thinking about how to get @klen.civil the right match.
We have done various ways and of course we will not stop before @klen.civil gets a match. When compared to the age of the four of us, it's only a few days or months apart.
I, @klen.civil and @umarcivil after graduating from high school continued my higher education to college at Malikussaleh University. I chose architectural engineering, @klen.civil chose civil engineering and @umarcivil chose mechanical engineering. Until finally @umarcivil from mechanical engineering majored in civil engineering.
Meanwhile, @sofian88 studied at the Lhokseumawe Polytechnic and chose to major in civil engineering. Even though the four of us are not in the same place of study, our relationship is maintained well and we communicate every day. Whether it's by meeting in person or by sending messages with cell phones.
Even though we are married, we still often get together and not only ourselves, our wives also know each other. Of course, our friendship is not only limited to us, but also related to the wife. Maybe when our children grow up, they will be friends just like us.
Today, we still have a close relationship and we still joke around. Even though we don't have meetings every day, we still have meetings once a week. This is because, we have different activities which of course becomes a barrier to being able to meet every day.
For that I invite other friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by Hot News Community. I invite @liasteem, @keln.civil, @umarcivil, @ridwant, @abialfatih, @harferri, @husaini, @jufrimj, @afrizalbinalka, @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @sofian88, @musdezal and other friends. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.
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Beautiful all the way you shared with us today about your best friend...
True friend never died always im said.
Today this post inside One line im really love it
Great post you share. Have a good luck on this contest.
True friends will be there all the time, even if they are busy.
Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.Thanks support @shohana1 and SC04
Wow ! This so interesting how you unite in friendship even with your wives. Am glad you still make out time to spend quality time with your friends even in your busy schedules..
Not only us, our wives also often get together.
Esos son los verdaderos amigos, que la distancia no los separa y que el tiempo los une mucho más... tienes muy buenos amigos.
Saludos y mucho éxito.
De hecho, tengo buenos amigos y eso se contagió a nuestras esposas.
Anda punya sahabat yang luar biasa. Mereka semua ktif di steemit dan selalu memberi dampak terbaik untuk kemajuan steemit. Salam saya untuk @sofian88 ,@klen.civil dan kawan lain semua. Semoga saya di beri kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan mereka ,agar bisaperdalam ilmu di steemit.
Mereka adalah orang baik dan mereka selalu ada waktu untuk orang lain.
Saya bisa mekihat keseruan dalam.oertemanan anda bersama para steemian hebat, semoga pertemanannya berlangsung langgeng dan selau di sertai dengan kebaikan dan ketulusan. Semoga berhasil di kontes ini.
Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.
Keseruan bersama tidak hanya di steemit, tapi itu sudah berlangsung sebelum kami mengenal steemit.
sahabat sejati selalu bersama dengan kita dan selalu mendukung kita baik dalam keadaan suka maupun duka, saya baru kenal dengan saudara klen.civil, bang sofian88 saat pertama bergabung di steemit, mereka sangat ramah disni, dan semoga suatu saat kita bisa duduk semeja sambilan menikmati secangkir kopi.
Iya benar, sahabat sejati selalu ada dan mereka tidak akan membiarkan temannya terpuruk.
You have good circle of friends. Let me ask are you guys married? Hahahaha is nice to see steemians who are true friends. Best of lucks.
we have good friendship. Only 1 person is not married, namely @klen.civil while the others already have wives and children.
How nice that even though you are married you continue to meet and also your wives are friends, surely, as you say, your children will also be friends like you. It is good to coincide with people with whom we can share our lives.
All the best
Not only do we often get together, our wives also gather when we get together.