The Diary Game: 19/02/2025 Human chain in our office

in Hot News Community21 days ago

My Diary

Date - 19 February 2024.


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Ashsalamu Alaykum

How are you all hope all are well I am fine by the grace of Allah all my love and best wishes from the bottom of my heart to you all I woke up in the morning, freshened up and left for the office. Went to the office. Went to the office today.


The labor union has called for a human chain to protest in our office from 9 am today This human bond is aimed at realizing the rights of workers All the workers, regardless of the team, we are one queue, we all appeared in our main gate


One by one, all the workers started coming to our gate with everyone calling for this movement Our movement revolves around the victimization of discrimination that we have always suffer


Then after a few hours of agitation we came home and had a fresh meal at noon Then we went to the office again in the afternoon and submitted the memorandum to the office regarding our movement After submitting the memorandum I came home coming home afternoon it was late night aya we had arranged to eat khichuri so we prepared to cook khichuri for eating khichuri


Our cooking went on until many nights, then when the cooking was finished, all the workers ate together and came home at night I came home and got ready to sleep. This was my next day's work. All will be well. May God bless you

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This was my daily diary