Our Dreams of the Future Are What Guide Us To New Discoveries… Except…


In our future, many dream of flying cars. And so think of finding a method of "anti-gravity".

This is great. This is the way forward, except…

We were trained at an early age that gravity is due to mass. And earth is a big ball of mass.

This causes us to look for an anti-mass, or to find gravity-waves, or a gravity-lens.

What is worse, is that this causes us to discard all of the "anti-gravity" phenomena tha is happening around us. Because, those things are obviously just toys, or some stupid phenomena, a hoax, or a scam. And we know this, because gravity is obviously because of mass, and we know this because the earth is a big ball of dirt.

And thus, we never find "anti-gravity"

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How "Gravity" came about

Back in the days of Sir Isaac Newton, people were trying to come up with a theory of gravity. Many people said, they had a way to do so, and many failed. Except, Sir Isaac Newton, who came up with a theory… that was never challenged, because he was the President of The Royal Society.

And his friend Cavendish measured the pull of mass, with some very large gold balls. (he was rich, and mad)

The problem is, this theory doesn't hold water, and no one can even think of how to repeat Cavendish's experiment.

  • How do you measure the force of gravity between objects when the force of electrical charge is 10¹⁹ x bigger? And you can't get rid of the charge difference perfectly.
  • How can gravity be created by mass of the earth, when it varies, often significantly, between place to place on the earth?

And then the BIGGEST ERROR in science was found. That there wasn't enough mass to hold the galaxy together. It wasn't off by a factor of 10, or 100, it was off by like 10²³.

Instead of reviewing the theory, the physicists came up with dark energy, and dark matter. We must defend Newton! We must defend Einstein!

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Anti-gravity phenomena

What is so sad about all of this is we have all of these various things, that show loss of weight, and have nothing to do with mass.

  • Capacitors charged to very high voltages lose weight, or charged even higher, float. (See Lifters for an example)
  • Tibetan monks held rituals every year where they would levitate and move rocks via sound.
  • The infamous Nazi Bell. By using a super-fluid spinning, it could hover.
  • Japanese scientists found that gyroscopes spun to high rpms lost weight.
  • A entomologist found that beetle wing casings blocked gravity. And so, made a floating platform.

Now, two of these are modern and documented, but all of these have enough veracity to promote investigation.

But, we (modern scientific man) poo-poo all of these because it goes against what we were taught in school.

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unlimited energy - perpetual motion machines

Science fiction writers all have some sort of way of making lots of energy.

However, the Modern Materialistic Physicist is taught about the "Laws of Thermodynamics". These are laws, and they are assailed!, they say. Every experiment has proven them!, they say.

But really, when people try to put this to the test, they are forever trying to track down where some energy came from or left to. The energy out vs the energy in never balance.

  • If you boil water, and then cool it down, and then boil it again, it takes less energy.
  • The rotary hammer heats water at over 100% efficiency.
  • Creating eddy currents creates more heat then energy used.
  • Creating steam creates more force output then the energy used to boil the water.
  • and many other over unity devices.

So, why do the "Laws of Thermodynamics" still exist? Why are they still taught in school?

Because they keep people from looking for perpetual motion machines.

Today we have magnet motors that spin continuously without energy input. Why isn't this THE thing every new scientists works on? Finding a way to improve it? The reason is they are told it will never work.

Even the steam engine has been postulated that it can be made efficient enough, with a compressor, and reboiler to make a perpetual motion machine.

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Modern Materialistic Science is what stands between us and a Science Fiction Future.

We are trained so early to never question the teachers. Never question the science. Even in this last covaids scandal, we were told "trust the science", and those who questioned it were called "science deniers". "The Science is settled" was shouted in our faces.

And the few that said, that is not how science is done, were brutally shut down.

We have so much evidence that the basis of our Modern Materialistic Physics books is complete bunk. The evidence is overwhelming. But, hidden away, swept under the rug, and anyone looking at it is excommunicated from society.

The thing that is supposed to be helping humanity most is what is keeping us from the possibilities dreamed of in Science Fiction. And i am disappointed in all science teachers in that they resist throwing out what is wrong. And i am very upset that science teachers argue for what is wrong, destroying any up and coming scientists, that questions anything.

A 300 year old physics book is far more up to date that anything we have today.
A Theory of Natural Philosphy - Roger Joseph Boscovich I suggest any interested find it online and read it.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.