One Of These Will Win, But Which? And What Will It Mean?
The XRP Army is meme'ing that XRP is going to flip bitcoin.
And, it might.
But, really, we are going to be entering some weird times.
This time IS different!
No, really.
We mights see adoption. And that will change everything.
But, what bitcoin and XRP are doing is going to put Wall Street out of business. Which is really weird to say about a bankster coin and a coin rumored to be made by the Cocain Import Agency.
The only thing i know for sure, is things won't be the same ever again.
Fiat just goes and sulks in a corner.
What bitcoin is doing is slowly taking over Wall Street.
Buy stocks? No, buy bitcoin.
Buy bonds? No, buy bitcoin.
Buy gold? No, buy bitcoin.
But ETFs? No… maybe, if they are bitcoin ETFs.
Rich people, corporations, govern-cements are all realizing that bitcoin is THE asset class to own.
Why put your money anywhere else? None of it is doing even half as good as bitcoin.
And then we have XRP which is on the brink of:
- Replacing SWIFT
- Replacing the dollar in most transactions with their new stable coin. (just wait for other country's stable coins)
- Replacing Western Union and the like.
- Basically replacing everything that banks do.
And, the only way all of that is possible is with the bankster's blessings (maybe curses?)
In the end, fiat won't be destroyed, it will just be forgotten.
Now, paper dollars, those will be useful for a while. For a brief while, cash will be king.
Who will flip who?
Bitcoin is just going to keep going up, until there is no price. At some point, no one wants to accept fiat for bitcoin.
On the other side, Ripple is going to flip the switch, and XRP is going to be USED. It is already being used, secretly, behind the scenes, but soon it will be out in the open. And every bank will need some so that they can transfer money around. And, at this time, Ripple may set the price of XRP. Setting it so that every bank who is involved in this knows what it is valued at.
And Ripple can do this because the banks own most of the XRP. What is in retail hands is tiny. Ripple has been selling XRP, in large chunks, to various institutions. Unstated institutions. And these institutions will need the value of XRP to be high so that it can transfer enough wealth to be useful. So, we may see XRP prices like, $2 → $25 → $50 → $100 → $250 → $1000. No floating around, no up and down days, just, this is what the value is now.
So, bitcoin will keep going up. If Trump keeps his word, it is going over a million dollars per.
However, XRP is about to have ALL DA MONEY behind it. All the bank money moved onto the XRP ledger.
Which will have the higher market cap?
We may actually not know. (scary, huh?) As in, there is no dollar value of bitcoin, and Ripple locks up the chain to be only insider bankster trading. So, we don't know, and we don't know.
The pitfalls
Bitcoin is being bought up by the rich. And there isn't enough bitcoin for all the millionaires to have a full one.
So, what was meant to be the people's coin, well, there ain't going to be any left when the people start figuring out they should own some.
XRP, Ripple is about to flip the switch, and all the bank money is going to start flowing through it. This is going to make some people VERY RICH!
However, banksters don't like to share. They want to be in control, and so, since the new money that the world will use will be decentralized, all controlled coins will die. (the energies of the world are destroying old structures. And one those is centrally controlled currencies)
Every psychic i have listened to says this about XRP. That XRP will make a lot of people very rich, and then, they will be poor just as fast. "Don't be greedy". I take this to mean that Ripple/banksters are going to lock up, or lock out all the retail market coins. After the flurry of banks trying to buy up all the XRP on the open market, then it will be closed. (or something like this)
On the other side, bitcoin is being bought up by the rich. And so, you might say that it is controlled by the rich. But, it is not quite the case that we, the little people, are lost.
You can't just print more bitcoin, so if you want anything, you have to spend your bitcoin. If you want to hire some programmers, you have to spend your bitcoin. And so, there will become a flow of bitcoin. Especially rich people and corporations paying each other.
And this will create a stable enough bitcoin valuation whereby everything else can be priced. And whether we use bitcoin lightning, or some other coins along with cross chain platforms, will be yet to be seen.
If this doesn't happen, because the rich really tied up bitcoin, and regulated out of the little people's hands, we will see the rise of another bitcoin. Maybe it will be Monero? Maybe it will be BitcoinCash? Maybe a fork of the bitcoin blockchain.
It will be something, and it will not be centrally controlled.