How Much of Govern-cement Will Be Laid Off?


This blog is about real estate.
This blog is about fraud.

This blog is about what happens when the flow of black mail money stops.

Those talking heads on TV are paid really high salaries. Do you believe this comes from advertisement sales? Why does the big advertising money only flow to the big, and obviously controlled media entities?

Where is the JFK documents?
Where is the Epstein documents?
Where is the Alien Files?
Where is the Zero-point Energy?
What is being found in Antarctica?
What was found on the moon?
Did we really go to the moon?
What about the secret space force?
What is in Area 51?

All of these are kept out of the public sphere by black mail and death.
And that is a LOT of money, a LOT of reoccurring costs.

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Where does the money come from?

The money most likely comes from the Fed. Dollars, created out of nothing, printed off the books, and laundered (U-crane laundromat is closing) and then shipped to all the people who have been bought off.

Judges, lawyers, politicians, doctors, scientists…

They all get extra money from some place.

A wonderful scam that has been seen with politicians in DC is to "lend" them money. Say, a million dollars at 0% interest. But, it can be called due at any time. It can also be confiscated by the bank it is being kept in, at any time. This money came from no-place. And, it is a loan, so it is not a payment, nor is it income. Completely, and totally above board with the Infernal Revolting Syndicate. But, you must ask, where did the banks get this money to lend out at such low interest rates?

It most likely comes from the same place all dollars come from. The Fed/The US Treasury.

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The gravy train is discovered

A REALLY BIG PROBLEM with D.O.G.E. is they may "stumble" upon this money flow.

Let me make one thing very clear, D.O.G.E. has not gone into places and just happened to dig up all the dirt. These rows were tilled long ago, and the information kept till such a time as they would be easily shown to the public.

D.O.G.E. did not need to be public. It could have been handled quietly. The corruption could have been cleaned up with almost no one knowing.

So, what is this big brouhaha all about? It is about showing people where the black mail money comes from and goes to. To show the public how the system really works.

Like i said, the public never had to know. And the showy D.O.G.E. didn't exist to find these. It is a show, for us to watch.

The BIG PROBLEM comes about when we find out how HUGE these money flows have been. Like finding there is 10x, 100x the amount of money then we thought was printed. You thought the trillions missing in the Pentagram was news? Well, be set to lose your socks. Accounting practices have no way of handling discrepancies this big.

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The fall out of stopping the gravy train.

So many places have big houses, million dollar houses, that were bought and paid for in cash. And they have high property taxes. (and other high costs) What happens when the people in these have to sell/give them up because the money stopped flowing. They cannot pay the taxes.

Well, they will try to sell them, but there are very few buyers who can afford the maintenance, even if the building was given for free. So, the housing market really crashes.

And the county govern-cements start having to tighten their belts, and seriously laying off people, because their property tax income went down massively.

The same will happen with massive commercial buildings. We have heard of some huge buildings being sold for 10¢ on the dollar recently. Those are the lucky ones, that were able to be sold at all.

More property taxes gone. Corporate income taxes gone.

We will see a lot of local govern-cements seriously downsizing or just shutting down.

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The corruption will come out. However, the effects will be felt all over the place, where we really didn't expect it.

When we find out how big the corruption is, it will destroy the dollar. We may be seeing a CBDC, or a gold backed dollar much faster then we ever expected. Because, it is needed NOW (in the future)

Fortunately, this is the beginning of people actually being able to make a living again. It is amazing how well you can do when you don't have a hundred parasites sucking out your life essence.

On top of all of this, we will probably start seeing aliens showing up.
It will be pandemonium.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


It was obvious like "Anonymous" theft. The only shock we see is the shock on their swamp faces they have been caught.

Anyways, President Trump is doing the best that can be done: started something for us to finish. We shall overcome.