Don't Fall For It, It's A Trap!
I often write about two things.
- Food will be scarce in the future (as farmland is depleted, and fails)
- There is a group making sure you will eat ze bugz.
From this, you may think to yourself, if i invest in food futures (wheat futures, etc.) then i can get rich!
But, i really suggest that you stay far away from this market.
Remember what happened with the Hunt brothers and their silver buying? They had all of their futures contracts turned into useless paper at the whim of the SEC, and had to flee the country because of trumped up charges. They had to give up an awful lot of silver in trade for their lives. Everything they did was legal, above board, and by the rules. Except, the rules are for T.H.E.Y., not for you or i.
So, T.H.E.Y. are setting this up. And T.H.E.Y. do not like to share.
Further, don't bet on other people's food.

Food is failing on two fronts
- The chemical farming practices are more akin to mining, than farming. The farmland's soil is being depleted.
- Those mother WEFers want to control the people by controlling the food.
So, Billy Gatez buys up lots of farmland. And so, he will be in control of what can and can't be grown. He can leave it go fallow if he chooses. (His corporation leases out the land to other farmers right now) He could also drench his acreage with Glyphosate or other deadly chemicals. But, it won't really matter, the farmland is almost dead already.
Right now, yields per acre have been going down and down. The talking heads are saying that it is just a passing thing. That it is just a lull in production, or bad luck (heavy rains at the wrong time).
Unfortunately for us, this is not a lull, and the bad luck is going to get worse. As i said, the farmland is mined out, and the weather is going to turn worse. Large hail storms are going to become a normal occurrence. Something that we will have to prepare for/deal with.
What is happening is that the mother WEFers are trying to slowly lower production to squeeze the people into hardships, unfortunately, this is being added to buy changing weather and depleted farmland.
There will be food riots!

If you are going to cause something, bet on it.
Back in the stock market crash of 1929 it was rumored that Rotschilds caused it. But, what is known is that Rotschilds sold before the crash, and then bought up everything they could on the cheap.
Right now, many big traders are selling out of their stock positions. So, it looks like T.H.E.Y. are doing it again.
So, if T.H.E.Y. are limiting the food production, so that food will become scarce and food prices will go up, you can bet that T.H.E.Y. are going to bet on it. You will see something like Ke-LOGs buying up lots of futures. (T.H.E.Y. get their shell companies to buy so they look legit) And then they will look like they were omniscient, or just lucky to have bought all those wheat futures so early, before the price went through the roof.
What is sad is that their buying is a big reason the price sky-rocketed. And the MSM will fail to report on this aspect.
But, the people will see the price of bread and cereal double. The people will pay for the high prices, while T.H.E.Y. pocket all the money made on buying the futures cheap.
And this is their game plan. Make the sheeple pay for their own destruction.

T.H.E.Y. do not like to share
This is why i say, stay away from this market (besides betting on other people's food being bad karma) is because after T.H.E.Y. get their payout, the SEC or FDA or USDA will say that people betting on other people's food is "Very wrong and evil" and will put a stop to it by "setting" the price of grain, which will kill small farmers, and kill any who were making the bet of food futures.
If you do not get out before T.H.E.Y. slam the door, you will lose everything. If you do get out before, you will be targeted, and made out to be the scapegoat. You may have all your gains clawed back, and then, on top of that, face ruinous "public" accusations. You will lose, or you will lose, and then, you will lose more.
This is a trap. And T.H.E.Y. have already set up all the laws for this plan to be executed.
Really, really, they are looking for scapegoats. T.H.E.Y. will make them if T.H.E.Y. have to, but T.H.E.Y. would prefer to find some that just walk into the slaughterhouse.
As the "rumors" about poor wheat harvests circulate, there will probably be lots of people that rush to make a bet on wheat futures. These people will, of course, be their exit liquidity.
I really suggest you not be there.

Now, although, i strongly advice you not to bet on this, i suggest you plan your life around it.
Meaning, do not go to the stock market / commodities market, but do realize that food is going to be big expensive in the future. And farmers will be the new wealthy class. Especially organic farmers.
There is a way to work with soils that does not deplete its nutrients and greatly improves the soil, today call regenerative farming. Basically, it is what we did hundreds of years ago, have the cows (ruminants) graze on the land, and shit everywhere. Plus we can add make the soil even better by increasing the good microbes by providing them food (compost tea) and providing them a place to live (bio-char). Building up the soil is crucial.
After this, create greenhouses (don't forget hail shields) so that you can farm year round. Which will be essential as our summers become shorter and brutal.
If you can grow the food, not only will you be able to feed yourself, but you will have a higher than normal income. Plus, the people who rely on you for food may become your best protection against the govern-cement and other things that wish to harm you.
I strongly suggest you money where your mouth is, and be a part of the growing organic food growers.

Yeah, we used to use a tractor towed manure spreader. It throws hog and cattle manure all over the field.