DelVal Wildlife Photography - White Tailed Deer

in Delaware Valley Life3 years ago (edited)

Up until a few years ago, we used to have about 14 acres of woods behind our house, but along came some developers, who turned it into a neighborhood (ironically called, "Westtown Woods".).

Now there's just about an acre or so of woods remaining on a separate piece of property. Ever since they tore down the woods, we've had a small number of White Tailed Deer in very frequent residence in our yard and in the woods behind us. In addition to being wooded, I guess it's also a good location for the deer because a drainpipe from a nearby highway empties out there, so it's probably a good place to find water.

Today, there were three of them in the yard when I walked the dog, so after I took the dog back inside, I thought it would be a good chance to use the deer for photography practice. I have thought for a while that getting photos of local wildlife would be a fun way to make use of Steem, so here we go. I journeyed all the way out to the back porch and took about 60 photos with my Nikon B500 Coolpix camera, and thought I'd post some of the best ones here.

Last year, we had some very young fawns in the yard at times, so maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to get "baby pictures" around May or June. I'm also curious if I compare future photos to these, whether we'll be able to recognize which ones are the same animals. We also have frequent visits from hawks and vultures, and less frequent visits from foxes and owls, so maybe I can get some other wildlife photos without venturing very far. And of course, there are plenty of parks

Unfortunately, the deer heard me coming out the back door, so I had their careful attention. These aren't really "candid" photos. ;-)

Of the three, the one in front here seemed to be a sort of a leader, and kept a wary eye on me.


Here are some solo pictures of the one in the front




And here are some photos of the one in back from the first photo




Finally, here is the third deer in two different poses.



Side note: If you like this sort of citizen science, I recommend following @etcmike for his "Project Feederwatch" posts.

Permission is hereby granted to make use of these photos in your own posts on the Steem blockchain, provided that you recognize me as the original photographer and set a 1% beneficiary setting to @remlaps.


Hi @remlaps, it is unfortunate that they destroyed the home of these animals I hope they can live peacefully in what they have left.

Excellent capture.

While browsing on the internet to know about wildlife photography, I came across this link:
A guide to deer photography with tips on how to get the best shots.

 3 years ago 

Thanks! Interesting link. I'm not much of a photographer, but I'm happy to see that I got a couple of their tips right just by blind luck. ;-)

These wild deer are very cute and their white tails are amazing. Great capture!

You were so lucky to see them in your own yard, so you didn't have to go far to find them. That's really great. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)

To be able to photograph wildlife is a rare moment.
It's a beautiful photo, and thank you for allowing steemit users to use your photos.

I like the way this animal looks at you , I say that it looks at you because of the way the photo looks , apparently you inspire curiosity , but it looks calm , possibly it knows that you are not a threat , they say that animals have a lot of instinct, so the animal knows that you are a good person, if it were not like that, it would run away from you, well, I am not an animal psychologist, but I do read a lot :)