Micro desalination produces clean water worldwide.

in On Impact5 years ago


Using solar concentrators and small evaporation tanks we can turn ocean water into fresh clean water and valuable minerals.

Powered by the sun, completely free!
and the best part is it can be as simple as a glass or plexi box and a few mirrors to direct sunlight onto the box. Fresh water can be condensed and collected near the top, while salt and other minerals remain in the brine below.

During daylight hours the technology can produce clean fresh water from the infinite ocean.

Small portions of humanitarian aid could be highly effective by establishing these systems in areas in need of water.

Medium sized systems can be constructed to operate self-filling water towers for the development of civic infrastructure at a low cost.
While salt and other valuable minerals can be processed and placed into economic use.

The oceans are an endless supply of water and the sun provides abundant energy which makes this process totally free, after the cost of installation.

The low installation costs and an indefinite lifetime of operation make this technology a viable option for a sustainable world.