Steemit learning challenge season 22 wk :2 || ice cream🍨🍨||

in The Creative Pulse3 months ago


Greetings Everyone ☺️

Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my blog I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to learn new recipes from this course the second comes with the ice cream recipe.The best part of this course I really appreciated that our teachers @dasudi and
@lirvic who continuesly taught us in very good style .

In this course we taught us the recipes in which the ingredients that were used were easily get at any country and the way of Practical demonstrations are too good and easy to followed by everyone,me and my love once love ice cream 🍨,I made mango ice cream many times in mango season,now I love to try out the recipe that given in lesson so guys with out ado let's move on our deliciousChocolate ice cream with all you....
Contest post link share here

Have you ever made ice cream? Tell us about your experience.

Well yes I made mango and strawberry flavored ice cream many time but making chocolate ice cream experience new for's quite simple and yummy results I got the smooth consistency gives extra ordinary worth to my ice cream.


I remembered that in summer season I made mango ice cream above I share the making process in photo college,Mango ice cream is also delicious and healthy option for us,I peeled off mangoes and cut it into small chunks then blended them in blender jug and got thick paste of mango pulp now I added the ingredients same as I mixed in chocolate ice cream like cream and condensed milk in short I got satisfied results more then I was aspected.Making ice cream at home saves our money infact more cheaper than we bought from market .

Make a creative ice cream of the flavor of your choice (detail utensils, ingredients and step by step).


Heavy milk cream 200 ml
Coco powder 3 table spoon leveled
Condensed milk 1/2 cup or 125 gm
Vanilla essence few drops

Utensils we need
Hand mixer
Air tight container
plastic wrapping sheet

Procedure step by step

Step : 1

In first step I take a bowl then I added 200 ml cream in it and beaten very well by hand blender .


Step : 2

Now another bowl. I added condensed milk, vanilla essence and coco powder One by one and mixed it well .


Step : 3


Now combining the mixture in cream used spetulla for that now my chocolate ice cream mixture were ready I pour all of it in container which had air tight let before put in fridge covered by plastic wrapping sheet not skip this step ,infact it's prevent crestal making in your ice cream.Then put in fridge for at least 6 to 8 hours .


Final presentation of my creamy and rich chocolate ice cream


I am Include a handwritten identification sign with my ice cream containing username and date

On final step some decor I love to give the ice cream by sprinkles in heart shaped in multi color Actually it's totally optional as your wish you add decor to your ice cream I did according to my children choice.

Did you encounter any difficulties in making your ice cream?

Well not at all , actually I had experienced for home made ice cream so I knew how to did this task perfectly yes one little difficulty I faced that,s heavy cream not available at my nearest groceries shop but finally I got that so it's easy and quickly done by me and turned out too good as always my all family members like and thankful bit I said one sentence to them ,the thanks goes to Steemit learning challenge and off cause my lovely teachers 💝

Do you have any special tips or advice for making ice cream? Share it.

  • Make sure all ingredients are super cold ,it's gave more creamy texture to your ice cream .

  • The air tight container used before took in refrigerator your ice cream.

  • Plastic wrapping sheet must be covered your ice cream container which will prevent ice crystals in ice cream.

  • Used heavy cream in your ice cream it's give rich creamy flavor.

  • Chilled served

I hope I given all answers that given in home assignment, before leaving I would love to invite my friends @suboohi,@roohiasif99,@uzma4882 to learn and submit your fantastic entry in challenge,over all very interesting and informative experiences I got today during making chocolate ice cream, exploring new recipes from pastry chef course ,so guys it's time to leave please remember me in your prays I am waiting for your valuable feedback see you soon with my new blog till then take care.
Allah Hafiz ❤️



Banyak orang baik orang dewasa maupun anak-anak suka rasa coklat, saya suka dengan es krim buatan anda, gambarnya jelas, langkahnya juga teratur dan anda telah menghiasnya dengan hati warna-warni yang membuat tampilannya semakin menarik dan indah.

Ah.. Aku ingin sekali mencicipinya😋.

Yes we all fall in love ❣️❣️ in chocolate ice cream 🤩🤩
Thanks for your valuable feedback on my blog

Amiga excelente preparación. El chocolate es muy versátil. Además que su textura queda muy cremosa
Te deseo éxito en la participación

Making Home made ice cream for me very blessed and funny moments because my son son also helped with and now he also learned how to make ice cream with only four ingredient.
Thanks for your visit and beautiful words ❤️

It seems that we have the same taste,, preparing ice cream with chocolate flavor. This is a taste that many people like,,
I like the way you make it, it looks more practical and easy.
Thank you so much for sharing helpful tips
Good luck my friend.

Yes chocolate flavor one of the most loveable Flavor ,my kids crazy lover 🤩🤩
Thanks for your valuable feedback

mangoes are not available in my area, seeing your ice-cream, i was drooling..

now i have craving of ice-cream and mango both...

Hahaha yes we all love mango ice cream.. thanks dear for your visit with beautiful comment ☺️☺️

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