
in The Creative Pulse5 months ago (edited)
So let me start with my simple story and tell you that I am married. I have no shame in admitting that living with an angry wife is a challenge. Sometimes such a wife can also have some special qualities. Even when she is angry, she can have some characteristics that you will not find in others. There can be a willingness to fight and courage to support.

I believe that if your wife is angry, it has a good and positive impact on the relationship. The first advantage of an angry wife is that she never lies. People who lie often say sweet things, while a person who speaks the truth gets angry quickly. So, if your wife is angry, understand that she will never lie and she will not tolerate any kind of lie.



Another advantage of an angry wife is that she loves her husband a lot and never cheats in life. People who speak the truth are more trustworthy, and the same is the case with angry wives. Such wives love their husbands a lot and are always trustworthy in life. So you understand how my married life has lasted so long till now?

An angry wife is always clean at heart. That is why sometimes when my wife gets angry, she scolds me, but there is no hatred of any kind in her heart.

If my angry wife has done any wrong with me in her anger, then it is her right because such a wife loves to meet challenges, she does this for the welfare of our family and ensures that I do not do any wrong.

Now, if your wife has a fight with a neighbor and she is very angry, and you come from outside and she starts talking aggressively, then what will you do? Will you also get angry? When such a situation arises, we should adjust and behave accordingly. I am a man, so I try to avoid any disagreement because disagreement means anger, and that anger will lead to going and eating outside, and brother, it costs a lot because inflation these days is very high.

I follow a couple of formulas to avoid conflict with my wife. For example, once I had a small disagreement with my madam. It was my mistake; it was not her mistake, and even if it was her mistake, I always accept it as my mistake. This is good for me.

Yes, it was not her mistake, as I don't want to create a disagreement. It doesn't matter even if I must agree it was my mistake, right?

Then one day again. She said to me, 'It is my brother's daughter's wedding; what will we offer as wedding gifts?'

By the way, it would have been fine even if she had not asked this. Whatever she gives, I don't say 'no' to her. Now how could I have the same intelligence as her?

She asked, so I said, "We have some silver utensils lying useless with us, so give them to her."

She said, "You gave such big gifts to your sister's daughter's wedding, didn't you?"

I thought, "Today I am trapped."

I immediately understood my mistake. So I started looking for a way out of this.

I said, "You have misunderstood me. I am saying that give silver utensils and 500 dollars in cash. They will be useful to your brother."

She got angry again. "You are a complete fool, does anyone give so much money as a wedding gift?"

I knew that my trick worked, so I said, 'Then give as much as you want to give; after all, she is just like our daughter.' Then her anger was gone, and she became happy. I knew that if I said five hundred, she would say hundred.

I have understood that a wife's anger can be avoided only by using sweet words. My wife had been saying for a month that she wanted to buy a necklace, then one day my wife insisted, so I said, " Trust me, I will bring it today."

My wife thought that I would bring it today, but when I came empty-handed, she shouted, "Where is the necklace?"

I explained to her "We both know our financial condition." Then I said one or two sentences in such a way that my wife said, "Okay, bring it later."

But after fifteen days, my wife said it again, and then my answer was the same, "You know my condition."

I always say this in an assuring tone, and my wife agrees.

Once my boss said, "Dev, I fight with my wife every day. Don't you have any fights with your wife?"

I said, "Never. I am not such a foolish man."

He asked, "Any differences?"

I said, "What do you mean by differences? No, there is no difference of opinion with my wife. I do not argue with my wife. And if my wife gets angry, then I tell her that in the office I have an angry boss who troubles me all day long, and if you trouble me, then what will happen to me? Then she becomes quiet."



I said, "There is no difference of opinion, so there is no problem, right? Boss, I never hurt my wife. Even if my wife misbehaves with me, I do not make any complaints. I may fight with everyone outside, but I keep things clear with my wife."

"The golden formula is if I ever get angry, then I fight outside, but not at home. I say if you start implementing this ideology of mine in your life and have any conflict in your married life, and avoid conflict with your wife too."


You're one intelligent man, not every person thinks like you.

I have seen in my society that men want to dominate their wives in every possible manner.

Tolerating her tone and raised voice? Not even a question even if they themselves shout in anger.