View of the Rice Fields of My Village from the Air, Their Charm is Extraordinary
Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone
How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are
In this post, I want to tell you about the view of the rice fields in my village through some photos that I took from the air. It's been almost a month since I returned to the village during the day. Usually I always return to the village at night. So, I couldn't see how beautiful the view of the rice fields in my village is.
Pada postingan kali ini, saya ingin bercerita tentang pemandangan sawah di desa saya melalui beberapa foto yang saya ambil dari udara. Hampir 1 bulan lamanya saya tidak pulang ke desa pada siang hari. Biasanya saya selalu pulang ke desa pada malam hari. Jadi, saya tidak bisa melihat betapa indahnya pemandangan sawah di desa saya.
Yes, my purpose in returning to the village was to visit my mother who was sick at home in the village. My mother is now 80 years old. Even though it was only for a short time, I always made time to visit my mother in the village.
Ya, tujuan saya kembali ke desa adalah untuk menjenguk ibu saya yang sedang sakit di rumah di desa. Ibu saya kini berusia 80 tahun. Meski hanya sebentar, saya selalu menyempatkan diri untuk menjenguk ibu saya di desa.
Okay, back to the topic of this post. Currently, my village is in the rice planting season. As you can see in the photos that I shared in this post. The view of the expanse of rice fields with green rice plants makes it look very beautiful and charming when we look at it.
Oke, kembali ke topik postingan ini. Saat ini, di desa saya sedang musim tanam padi. Seperti yang bisa Anda lihat pada foto-foto yang saya bagikan di postingan ini. Pemandangan hamparan sawah dengan tanaman padi yang hijau membuatnya tampak sangat indah dan menawan saat kita memandangnya.
The air, scenery, and life in the village are very different from life in the city. In the village, we can still breathe fresh air and beautiful trees. So, I really enjoy it when I'm in the village.
Udara, pemandangan, dan kehidupan di desa sangat berbeda dengan kehidupan di kota. Di desa, kita masih bisa menghirup udara segar dan pepohonan yang indah. Jadi, saya sangat menikmatinya saat berada di desa.
Every time I go home during the day, I always capture the atmosphere in the village with my camera and drone. I am sure that someday those photos will be sought and remembered by people who want to see the atmosphere of their village for decades to come.
Setiap kali pulang kampung di siang hari, saya selalu mengabadikan suasana di kampung dengan kamera dan drone saya. Saya yakin, suatu saat nanti foto-foto itu akan dicari dan dikenang oleh orang-orang yang ingin melihat suasana kampung mereka hingga puluhan tahun mendatang.
Okay, that's my story and post for this time. Hopefully the photos I share can entertain my friends in this amazing community. Enjoy, my friends.
Baiklah, sekian cerita dan postingan saya pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga foto-foto yang saya bagikan dapat menghibur teman-teman di komunitas yang luar biasa ini. Selamat menikmati ya teman-teman.
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