Painting Harmony in the Rice Fields Through Lens Snaps

in CCS8 hours ago

Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


That morning, a thin mist still covered the sky when I decided to bring my camera and go hunting for moments around the countryside. My destination this time was a rice field not far from where I live—it only took about 30 minutes by motorbike.

Pagi itu, kabut tipis masih menyelimuti langit ketika aku memutuskan untuk membawa kameraku dan pergi berburu momen di sekitar pedesaan. Tujuanku kali ini adalah sawah yang tak jauh dari tempat tinggalku—hanya butuh sekitar 30 menit perjalanan dengan motor.

Upon arrival there, I was greeted by a very calming view. Farmers with their distinctive coning hats were seen working diligently, planting rice seedlings in muddy fields. Some of them squatted on the embankments, while others stood while arranging the rows of seedlings so that they were straight. There were no modern tools in their hands, only hoes, sickles, and bamboo baskets.

Setibanya di sana, aku disambut pemandangan yang begitu menenangkan. Petani-petani dengan topi caping khas mereka terlihat bekerja dengan tekun, menanam bibit padi di lahan berlumpur. Beberapa di antara mereka berjongkok di pematang, sementara yang lain berdiri sambil mengatur barisan bibit agar lurus. Tidak ada alat-alat modern di tangan mereka, hanya cangkul, arit, dan keranjang bambu.


The sounds of nature blended harmoniously with their activities: the gurgling of irrigation water, footsteps on the muddy ground, and occasionally the crisp laughter of farmers joking around. I was amazed to see how natural and meaningful this process was. In the midst of this technological era, they still chose to carry out old traditions—not because they didn't know about progress, but perhaps because they felt this was the best way to connect with nature and care for their land.

Suara alam berpadu harmonis dengan kegiatan mereka: gemericik air irigasi, langkah kaki di tanah becek, dan sesekali terdengar tawa renyah para petani yang sedang bercanda. Aku terpesona melihat betapa alami dan penuh makna proses ini. Di tengah zaman yang serba teknologi, mereka tetap memilih menjalankan tradisi lama—bukan karena tak tahu tentang kemajuan, tetapi mungkin karena merasa inilah cara terbaik untuk terhubung dengan alam dan merawat tanah mereka.


Carefully, I began to capture those precious moments. Click! My camera lens captured an old woman planting seedlings skillfully, even though her hands looked wrinkled with age.

Dengan hati-hati, aku mulai membidik momen-momen berharga itu. Klik! Lensa kameraku menangkap seorang ibu tua menanam bibit dengan cekatan, meski tangannya terlihat keriput oleh usia.


After a while, I sat for a moment on the rice field embankment while looking at the results of the shots on the camera. The photos not only showed farming activities, but also recorded the simplicity and spirit of mutual cooperation that I rarely found in the city. I realized how many small things like this often escape our attention, even though this is where life beats quietly, far from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

Setelah beberapa saat, aku duduk sejenak di pematang sawah sambil memandang hasil jepretan di kamera. Foto-foto itu tak hanya menunjukkan aktivitas bertani, tetapi juga merekam kebersahajaan dan semangat gotong-royong yang jarang kutemui di kota. Aku tersadar, betapa banyak hal kecil seperti ini sering terlewat dari perhatian kita, padahal di sinilah kehidupan berdenyut dengan tenang, jauh dari hiruk-pikuk dunia modern.


This time, I felt like I had succeeded in capturing more than just images. I captured stories—stories about the sincerity of work, about traditions that are maintained, and about humans who live in harmony with nature.

Kali ini, aku merasa berhasil menangkap lebih dari sekadar gambar. Aku menangkap cerita—cerita tentang ketulusan bekerja, tentang tradisi yang dipertahankan, dan tentang manusia yang hidup selaras dengan alam.


When I returned home, I felt more than just a photographer. I felt like a witness to a simple but meaningful life. I will share these photos with you, not just as portraits, but as stories that I hope you can feel and appreciate.

Saat pulang, aku merasa lebih dari sekadar fotografer. Aku merasa seperti saksi dari sebuah kehidupan yang sederhana namun penuh makna. Foto-foto ini akan kubagikan kepada kalian, bukan hanya sebagai potret, tetapi sebagai kisah yang semoga bisa kalian rasakan dan hargai.

This is harmony in the middle of the rice fields. I hope you like it.

Inilah harmoni di tengah sawah. Semoga kalian suka.


Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003

All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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