Facts About Bamboo
Duro bamboo is the best bamboo. The louder the sound of the bamboo stem, the older it is. The brightness of the bamboo and the kelupeng that wraps each bamboo segment are physical characteristics that can be seen with the naked eye.
From the bamboo we were looking for, the kelupeng was about to come off, while the young one was still tightly closed and the old one had no kelupeng at all.
To cut the bamboo, it turns out we have to be careful, because there are small, sharp hairs that can stick to our hands. The fine hairs on the bamboo are the young bamboo's defense against disturbances that can inhibit its growth.

This young bamboo has a lot of fine hairs that if they stick to our hands, it feels very itchy. But we can use a unique method by using firework leaves, then rubbing them on our hair to clean them.
The hairs that can make the skin itchy will decrease as the bamboo grows.

Greetings always compact.
By @midiagam