A spider in a cup | Daily Macrophotography Challenge

in CCS2 months ago

A spider in a cup

Hola amigos de Camping Club Steemit. Comparto mi participación para la semana 74 del concurso de Macrofotografía. Mi casa queda cerca de una montaña, y esta característica favorece a que muchos insectos y otros tipos de animales me visiten, a veces de forma inesperada.
Hello friends of Camping Club Steemit. I am sharing my participation for week 74 of the Macrophotography contest. My house is near a mountain, and this feature favors many insects and other types of animals to visit me, sometimes unexpectedly.

--- Imagen de @joslud


The model

Hace un tiempo, llegó esta araña saltadora, de unos tres centímetros de longitud. La atrapé para llevarla fuera, pero antes quise tomarle unas fotos.
A while ago, this jumping spider arrived, about three centimeters long. I caught it to take it outside, but first I wanted to take some photos of it.

--- Imagen de @joslud

La coloqué en una taza semicircular para evitar que escapase, y realicé algunas tomas en modo macro. No son de excelente calidad, pero funcionan para darnos una idea de la hermosa que es este ejemplar.
I placed it in a semicircular cup to prevent it from escaping, and I took some shots in macro mode. They are not of excellent quality, but they work to give us an idea of ​​how beautiful this specimen is.

--- Imagen de @joslud



--- Imagen de @joslud

Pueden verse sus vellos y algunas poses que toma cuando está alerta, dispuesta a atacar, o defenderse. Luego de las fotos, la lleve al patio trasero y la devolví a la naturaleza.
You can see its hairs and some poses it takes when it is alert, ready to attack, or defend itself. After the photos, I took it to the backyard and returned it to nature.

--- Imagen de @joslud


Equipment:Umidigi Cell Phone A7S Camera
Mode:Macro Mode + Zoom + physical zoom.

See you soon



Macro Photography Challenge - Week 74 by @theentertainer

  • Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, captadas con un celular UMIDIGI. Cámara A7S.


Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

Posted using SteemPro


Hello, Thank you for supporting us.

 2 months ago 

Congratulations, your post is upvoted by CCS curation trail from CCS - A community by witness @visionaer3003.


"Home is where your heart is !❤️."

Vote for @visionaer3003 as witness.

Wonderful and beautiful photography.I am grateful to you for your heartwarming photography and thank you for giving me such beautiful photography and wish you all the best.May you live long and keep up this creativity.