Tawny Coster | Macrophotography
Latin Name | Observation date | Location |
Acraea terpsicore | Maret 13, 2025 | Sawang, North Aceh, Indonesia |
Hello friends, wherever you are, how are you today? I hope you are all in good health and can always carry out your daily activities as usual.
Greetings to all of us who are in this extraordinary community. On this occasion, I will share with you some caterpillar photography.And the snake that I share with you today will of course become a very beautiful butterfly.As you can see, the caterpillar I shared also has thorns that look very sharp.
I took all these caterpillar photos with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Android phone camera and I took several photos from different angles.For more details, let's see together below, I hope you like it.
NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English
Picture | Photography |
Category | Insect |
Camera Used | Handphone |
Model | Samsung galaxy note 9 |
Photographer | @idayrus |
Location | Aceh - Indonesia |
Link to original | community |
Link | https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/265068863 |
Latitude | 5.203625 |
Longitude | 96.922813 |
Map | https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=5.2036252697&mlon=96.9228130995#map=12/5.2036/96.9228 |
About me
My full name is Edi Suryadi, many social media friends call my name Idayrus, I come from Indonesia, specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 1997 until now I have completed my education with a degree in Communication Science. As for me, I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.
Thank you for your visit
Best Regards @idayrus
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
Hi, @idayrus,
Your post has been manually curated!
I express my gratitude to you for your wonderful photography and thank you very much.Your extraordinary creativity has fascinated me. I always enjoy your photography.I appreciate your creativity and request you to continue your work without stopping.