
in Steem4Bloggers10 months ago


Good day my handsome and beautiful steemians from all part of the world it is with great joy and excitement I write this content

What comes to your minds when u hear the word smile ? well it has to do with someone be it a man or woman changing his or her facial expressions to signify amusement or pleasure .A lot of people today smile 😄 parents smile at their kids children smile at their parents , teachers smile at their students when they are impressed.Yes we as humans exhibit this beautiful expression in our day to day life Smiling goes a long way which I would explain.

When a person smile it is believed that he or she is very happy that's true others think smiling makes u loose respect in public but consider it from this other view point .Do u remember when a smile on someone's face brought u relieve? Be it a close friend family member, or colleague? Well if yes how did u feel? Relaxed isn't it , u could also remember how the absence of a smile made u feel rejected or nervous. Imagine u showed kindness to ur father, mother,or boss at work and all u could get was a frown😔that could make u really sad.

This goes a long way to say that Smiling is very important parents when u smile at your kids u make them happy not only that, u encourage that child .As a parent u would always discipline your child make him or her know it is good to be kind kind people smile it shows u care about others .

Employees wear a beautiful smile when at work most times it sounds weird u might think but u draw people to yourself a happy person is a model people even your client will learn from your good habits of smiling here is a photo of me at my work place


In School smiling keeps me going I am attracted to more friends because I wear a beautiful smile my classmates find it cool to get along with me.



Finally dear steemians Smiling does not only affect the people u smile at it affects the one smiling too so keep smiling stay safe and remain healthy.

 10 months ago 

Nice blog younger man
Also you have very attractive smile.
No doubt smiling also protect us from various problems

Thank u sir I really appreciate

 10 months ago 

You do not belong to any clubs at the moment. I noticed that you haven't powered off any steam yet. To join #Club5050 you need to power off 50% of your rewards. Hope you will pay attention.

Yes I will thank u sir