Club5050||Tech Diary Game||by@asad-07{30/06/23}
I hope you are all fine and enjoyung your lives as well. I m also fine and happy with the grace of Allah Almighty. I hope everything going good and you will good mood in this wounderfull earning platform.Today i shall share my daily Tech diary. Am very happy to share our ڈیلی actives in this wounderfull community. This community is my favourite community. So i start without writing post waste your time.
So Let's Start.
FaceBook |
Today am was free sometime. So i pick my mobile phone and open facebook account. Today i open a long time my account. My facebook friend miss my post and picture. I can't upload any post on facebook. I scroll facebook and see posts of facebook friend. My all facebook friend are active on facebook. They post daily picture and video. Some my facebook friend post reel. Reel option added on facebook recently. Now all facebook user watching reels other and upload. We make group on facebook any and post any about. Same we make page and sell any product through page. Today i post my new picture on facebook. After sometime my facebook like and comments on my picture. Am very happy my friend like my picture.This is possible with technology. Technology make life easier.
Discord |
Today i tell you about all detail Discord. Discord is a soical media platform same working whatsapp. I tell you Discord use only popular people discord not use any person. Discord not famous all soical media platform. Recently i download discord from playstore. Today i download and create new account on discord. My friend use discord i sent friend requst. Here we make many friends on discord. Discord have many functions. I use only send my steemit post link to other steemit user. All steemit user's use discord.
Vidmate |
After this i open youtube. And listen songs. My favourite songs is punjabi. One a song is very famous and trending. I like this song. Now i want to download this song but we can't download from derict youtube. So we use different source. So i have use vidmate to download sings and other videos. So i click on song and selwct share on vidmate. Then videmate ask i download video and adiou song so i select adiou and press button of download. After 1 mint song download and show on music list. Then i go to music and see in the download folder. Videmate is very best way to downloaded any songs.
We are all use technology and soical media platform in our daily life. We use mobile phone laptop and other many devices. We are earning online money at home. Without going office. It is only possible with technology. I m very happy my post in this wounderfull community. The name of community is blogger's.
I hope you like my today's diary very much.I request all my friends to tell me in the comment that how did you like my diary.I pray to Allah Pak that Allah Pak bless you with lots of happiness in your life.And with every coming pain and pain keep safe.Allah hafiz remember me in your prayers. I m very thankfull to sir @faran-nabeel. He is supporting me on steemit. He is always guaid me how to work on steemit
I hope you will like my today Tech-diarygame.
Review |