Weekly Activity Report / Top 3 DarftCrearte Posts Weekend 03-28 to 04-05
We are very grateful for the receptivity of each one of you, this motivates us to continue with this dream that is coming true.
DraftCrearte Activity Report
In this first week we reached more than 100 subscribers, with 60 active users.
We gave a small amount of 0.500 STEEM to the users who made their presentation in the community. We distribute a total of 5 STEEM.
We finished our first mini-contest with the participation of 47 users who complied with the rules of the Contest
Delivering | 1st prize 5steem | 2nd prize 3 steem | 3rd prize 2steem | Total: 10Steem. |
The 3 best posts of the week.
Mascarilla casera para el cabello- Presentación a la comunidad de @Crearte
We thank @steemcurators01 for supporting our community. We hope you like the posts chosen for this week.

We remind all our members that one of our main rules is to choose content exclusive-steem for this reason they should not publish content that I already use on another blockchain on DarftCrearte. We appreciate the use of the #steem-exclusive #exclusive-crearte tags.
Check out our Main Post to learn more about our initiative and the rules to be part of us.
Attentive to our next contest that will be published the week of 05-04, do not miss it.
Muchas gracias. Que emocion.
Excited and in anticipation of what is to come, I appreciate the information.
Muchas felicitaciones a los creadores. Excelentes ideas.
Felicitaciones a todos los selecionados en esta semana.

Felicitaciones a los seleccionados.