The Sufficiency of Hope

in StockPhotos3 years ago


As they say, we can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air, but we can only live for few seconds without hope. Hope is what keeps us going, hope is so essential because the moment we lose it, we already stop living.

For this blog, I just want to discuss the sufficiency of hope. On how it can keep us alive, on how it can make us to keep going.

Hope is a wonderful gift from God, sufficient for our needs!
When we face life's harshest trial, hope is the source of strength and courage.

There are or there will be times in our lives where we will face trials. It never ends. We will undergo into different trials and there will be trials that are hard, harsh, the hardest, the harshest.

We can lose strength and courage that we can do it. But the hope within us can give us the courage and encouragement in facing that life's hardest and harshest trial.

When we are trapped in a tunnel of misery, hope points to the light at the end.


There will be darkest moment in our lives. We will all have our darkest times because of different reasons. Our worlds can be so dark, we may feel that we are trapped in this tunnel of misery but hope has the power to lead us towards the light at the end of this tunnel.
Just like this moon in the photo, it may be dark but the moon symbolizes the hope in our dark world. That no matter how small that hope is, it can be a reason for us to push through and reach the end of this tunnel of misery.

When we are overworked and exhausted, hope gives us fresh energy.

Maybe there are some of you who really feels exhausted and overworked but the hope to help your family can truly push you to have more energy to keep going.

The hope for a brighter tomorrow if you work hard can definitely push us to keep going.

For students, we can be so tired of doing our requirements but when we remember our dreams, the reason why we are studying, the hope to achieve it can renew our energy to keep going.

When we are discouraged, hope lifts our spirits.

When we lose confidence on what we are about to do, hope can give us the encouragement that we can do it.

When we are tempted to quit, hope keeps us going.

Life is hard and there will be times that quitting seems to be the easier option. But the hope that we can do it, that we can still do more is what keeps us going. It's what keeps us fighting instead of quitting.

When we struggle with a crippling disease or a lingering illness, hope helps us persevere beyond the pain.

For people who have illness, life can be literally so painful. They might feel helpless. It can hurt so bad that others are wishing to just die instead of undergoing that kind of pain.

When I was a kid, I even thought that I was dying just because of a toothache. Yes, it's that painful. But with the hope that we will experience healing and that pain will be all gone after some time, we keep fighting, we persevere beyond pain.

When we fear the worst, hope brings reminder that God is in control.

What are your fears? Are you worrying about tomorrow? Are you anxious with a decision you made? Do you have a lot of problems that you don't want tomorrow to come?

Do you feel helpess? Do you feel that you have nothing to do? Have hope and remember that God is in control, He got you.

When we are struggling, hope lifts our morale.

Everyday I am struggling. Struggles with time management, responsibilities and so many things. But despite all that struggles, I can still do my task with enthusiasm. I still view life with a positive attitude and that's because I have hope, and that hope is the one lifting my morale.

When we endure the consequences of bad decisions, hope fuels our recovey.

Bad decisions. We can always go wrong with that. And it hurts, some people do not recover from that. But hope gives us the thought that we could do better next time. That we can be wiser and smarter next time. That our decision can be right the next time. Hope fuels our recovery so that we can move on from our bad decision and be ready for the next one.

When we are forced to sit back and wait, hope gives us the patience to trust.

Waiting for exam result? Waiting for the grades? Or just like in a movie scene that we have to wait for a loved one who is undergoing surgery on the operating room?

Those are the situations that we are forced to sit back and wait, situations that we have nothing to do but to wait. But the hope gives us the patience and to trust that we did well on our exam or that the doctor who is operating our loved one is a great surgeon.

When we feel rejected and abandoned, hope reminds us that we are not alone... and we will make it.

God has written so many promises in the bible that He will be with us wherever we go. We may feel rejected and abandoned, but let's hope in the word of God that He is indeed with us. And that we are never alone and with Him, with His help, we can make it.

When someone we love say the final farewell, hope of eternal life gets us through our grief.

It's hard to lose a loved one. It is painful, really painful. But the hope that we can still see them someday in heaven gets us through our grief. It saves us from the pain, it helps us to move on and to move forward.

When life hurts and dreams fade, nothing helps like HOPE.

Hope is truly essential. It helps us in all aspects in our lives. So let us continue to be hopeful and make sure to never lose hope.

Thank you so much for reading this far. Till next time. :)
