The first multi humanoid coordination in an Industrial environment.

in Popular STEM11 days ago

The first multi humanoid coordination in an Industrial environment.

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An army of humanoid robots working together

I imagine an army of humanoid robots working together, communicating in real time and learning from each movement, this is not science fiction and no more, UBtech, the Chinese robotics company, has just achieved an unprecedented milestone, the first multi-humanoid coordination in a real Industrial environment with the support of 5g technology, dozens of Walker s1 robots are already operating in the Zeekr factory in China, demonstrating a level of collaboration and autonomy never seen before.

This Innovation can change the industry.

It is also shaping a future in which humans will be replaced, before answering, you should know that they learn, coordinate and execute tasks as one, if you want you can answer, but let's continue with the explanation to understand how far this can go, the Zeekr factory is serving as a testing ground for a new automation paradigm.

Until now, most industrial robots work in isolation performing pre-programmed tasks, without interacting with other machines, but UBtech has redefined that logic, its robots operate in perfect synchrony performing tasks such as assembly of automotive components, quality inspection with computer vision, classification and organization of materials and transportation of parts.

The difference is not just machines programmed to follow orders, they reason and adjust, the secret behind this Innovation is the BrainNet platform that works as a collective brain for humanoid robots, through it the Walker s1 share information, adjust strategies in real time and even learn from the mistakes of others.

This technology is based on an AI model called swarm intelligence that allows multiple robots to act as a single organism, distributing tasks efficiently. Super intelligent brain uses a large multimodal AI model to make decisions in real time. Sub distributed brain, each robot maintains a copy of the collective knowledge, allowing rapid adaptation and continuous learning.

The big question now is how this Innovation will affect the labor market

Robots improve their skills autonomously, becoming increasingly more efficient as this system was trained in a giant Industrial database, extracting information from various automotive factories to simulate real production scenarios. The impact of this technology can be enormous. Currently, each Walker s1 robot is already capable of operating autonomously on assembly lines, taking on repetitive tasks and reducing human errors.

The scenarios are several, one, the future of Industrial production, if ubitech and other companies manage to reduce the cost of these robots, factories around the world could adapt them on a large scale, this would increase efficiency, reduce costs and minimize human errors and scenario two, replacement of human labor, with increasingly versatile and intelligent robots, concern arises.

Industrial jobs are at risk if machines can think, adapt and work together better than humans, how far this Revolution can go, the future of Swarm intelligence brings with it a Revolution that is just beginning, ubitech has already started mass production of the Walker s1 with the goal of manufacturing up to 1000 units by the end of the year.

The company assures that robots are not only substitutes for humans but an extension of the workforce, but this technology will remain only within factories, UBtech has already revealed that it plans to expand its robots to sectors such as commerce, retail, services, even home care, which leads us to an inevitable question, if robots can learn to work as a team now, how far they can go in the future.

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