In 4 years, AI will surpass the human mind

in Popular STEM3 days ago

In 4 years, AI will surpass the human mind

And within 20 years humanity will merge with AI.

Imagine that you are in the future, sitting in a cafe observing the movement of the people around you, but something is different: they no longer age, bodies previously subject to the wear and tear of time now regenerate automatically, some people do not even blink, not because they are robots, but because their brains are connected directly to the cloud, allowing them to access information without the need for an external device.

Now imagine that you are there, in the middle of that world, what do you feel? Fear, fascination, the feeling that time has lost its meaning, it may seem like a scene from science fiction, but according to Ray Kurzweil, that is the future in which we will be living in less than 20 years.

But who is Ray Kurzweil and why believe what he says.

I tell you that he is a pioneer called the godfather of AI and he predicted almost without errors everything we are experiencing now, pay attention because you will be surprised with his history and what he believes our future will be.

Ray Kurzweil, one of the greatest visionaries of technology has been mapping the future for decades and is not just a theorist, many of his predictions have come true, for example, Ray Kurzweil predicted that a computer would surpass the best human chess player before the year 2000 and 97 IBM's Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov, the world champion of the time.

He predicted that the Internet would become the main form of communication and access to information, today practically everything revolves around the Internet, from social networks to Artificial Intelligence.

In 1990 he claimed to open up portable devices with instant access to information, including maps, emails and video. Modern smartphones like iPhones and Androids realized exactly that vision.

He predicted that computers would process information at a level comparable to the human brain in certain functions or AI surpasses humans in several areas such as medical diagnosis and data analysis, he said that virtual assistants would understand voice commands and do automatic translations, today we have Alexa, Siri, Google assistant and Google translator tools doing exactly that.

He predicted that we would have wearable devices with projection of information directly into the field of vision, today we have ovision Pro, meta Quest, Microsoft holo lens and others.

Ray Kurzweil predicted that 3D printing would be used to create personalized human organs. Scientists have already printed living tissues and are moving towards complete organs.

Now with the launch of his new book “The Singularity is Closer”, Ray Kurzweil redoubles his bet and makes even bolder predictions, by 2029 Artificial Intelligence will surpass human intelligence, around 2032 aging will be slowed down and for every year lived we will gain another, in 2045 the fusion between humans will already be complete and death could become an option.

Ghost in the shell movie

Humanity is prepared for this transformation.

Ray Kurzweil is not alone in this belief, the billionaires of Silicon Valley are already investing billions in the search for immortality, Jeff Bezos for example finances Auro leps a company that studies how to reverse cellular aging, Google for its part has Calico a subsidy that would be completely dedicated to discovering the secrets of human longevity.

For Ray Kurzweil, the key to immortality will not only be biological, it will be digital, he describes a future in which we will not depend solely on our bodies, our Minds will be connected to our intelligent systems, thoughts will be amplified by nature and our knowledge will be unlimited.

If before we depended on books then on computers and smartphones, the next step will be to integrate technology directly into our brains.

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