“The terrifying sound of the sun”

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“The terrifying sound of the sun”

“The terrifying sound of the sun NASA”, “managed to record it and terrify everyone, this is the movie that terrified Christopher Nolan”, and there are several other media outlets that also headline like this, disturbing that terrible sound, the most curious thing is that almost all of these media do not put the sound in the article and the sound they do show is not the one captured by the Parker Solar Probe in its close pass to the Sun approximately a month ago.

In fact, no sound has been published, it is from years ago, the news as I said appears in a similar way in other media, although with slightly less fanciful headlines and refers to the passage near the Sun of NASA's Parker solar probe on December 27 at only 6100000 km from the Sun, with which it also reached the surprising speed of 191 km per second which makes it the fastest ship in history.

How is it that, if sound is a vibration of the air, how can there be sound in space if when you hear a person speak it is because he is vibrating the air with his throat with his voice, with his speech device, how is it possible that the sound of space can be heard, in the same way that you are listening to me because I am making the air vibrate but the air that is here that I am making vibrate does not reach you.

Sound comes through wonderful electromagnetic waves and in space Because empty space is not really empty, the sounds that the waves captured are the product of the solar wind formed by radiation, mainly protons, but there are also other elements, larger elements loaded with energy such as helium 3, famous in science fiction films where it appears as an essential resource for lunar mining.

All that radiation and particles end up reaching the Parker's sensors and the sensors interpret that action by transforming that radiation into sounds, it is something similar to how, for example, our mobile phones interpret the electromagnetic radiation they receive in the voice of a person or in the voice of an announcer who offers you a rate or a scam, it is also similar in a radio or in an analog television, we tune to an area without a channel and white noise or snow or static appears, that noise is a soup of multiple components, for the most part it is the product of nearby electronic devices. and electrical networks or maybe even a truck that is passing down the street, but that White noise also captures atmospheric phenomena such as distant electrical storms and even cosmic events.

It is believed that a small part of that “snow” that is seen on old televisions, about 1%, was caused by the echo of the Big Bang. When we turn on a radio and do not pick up any channel, part of that noise comes from outer space. In fact, there is cosmic radiation that has affected computers and video games, doing quite strange things.

The images without reference were created with AI
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