“The terrifying sound of the sun”
“The terrifying sound of the sun”

“The terrifying sound of the sun NASA”, “managed to record it and terrify everyone, this is the movie that terrified Christopher Nolan”, and there are several other media outlets that also headline like this, disturbing that terrible sound, the most curious thing is that almost all of these media do not put the sound in the article and the sound they do show is not the one captured by the Parker Solar Probe in its close pass to the Sun approximately a month ago.
Sound comes through wonderful electromagnetic waves and in space
Because empty space is not really empty, the sounds that the waves captured are the product of the solar wind formed by radiation, mainly protons, but there are also other elements, larger elements loaded with energy such as helium 3, famous in science fiction films where it appears as an essential resource for lunar mining.
The images without reference were created with AI
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