The strange structure found in the Oort Cloud.

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The strange structure found in the Oort Cloud.


They find a Mysterious spiral structure in the Oort cloud, the research paper that has been published on February 16 on the arxiv preprint server and is not yet peer reviewed, the researchers have done this work and have discovered that the Oort cloud which is a Mysterious region, yes in this case the term Mysterious of icy objects can be applied that surrounds the solar system to its outer part could not be a sphere as assumed until now, according to this new research the cloud The Oort galaxy could have a pair of spiral arms, which would make it look like a miniature galaxy.

It is suspected that the Oort cloud is the remains that remained from the great nebula where the solar system was born, the material that did not end up falling into the sun, nor forming the known planets, moons and asteroids, all that material was left floating in that Oort cloud, the majority would be small remains but there are also large objects measuring kilometers in diameter and reach the size to be considered dwarf planets and these would have to be added other remains and objects that are suspected not to be from the solar system, which are part of other similar Oort clouds from other stars that have passed very close to the Sun in the past and exchanged material.

They perhaps took comets and other materials from our solar system and several of their materials because they became hooked to the gravity of the sun, so there could be ancient asteroids there, even ancient dwarf planets from other star systems, much older than our own sun, it is also suspected that planet number nine could be there, although well the majority hypothesis places it closer to the Kuiper belt, which is another region where there are many comets and is a little closer to the Planetary solar system.


The edge of the Oort cloud is approximately between 2000 to 5000 astronomical units from the Sun, one astronomical unit is the distance that separates the Sun from the Earth and the outer edge is between 10,000 to 100,000 units away, why this big difference, because we still do not have enough data about what is out there, why that galaxy shape, because it is not a sphere. because it has arms, because it has that strange spiral structure.

The argument that the researchers give is that, at such a great distance from the sun, although the solar gravity still keeps those objects tied to those dwarf planets, all that material is orbiting the sun there, the solar gravity is very weak and there are other forces such as the mass of the galaxy itself or the nearby stars that can alter those objects and can distort that Oort cloud, I also suppose that it will have to do with the movement of the solar system, which we always see as the planets circling the sun and they are not the perfect circles that they usually show us. in the videos and in the graphics, but that's not how the planets move, nor does the sun move.


The movement of the solar system is more similar to the movement in the animation above, we move in a spiral in fact, on January 1 we are not in the same place in space as we were on January 1 of the previous year, although in the orbit we can say that we are in the same position of the orbit, we are not in the same place in space, the earth has moved, dragged by the sun, between 6000 to 7000 million kilometers away and the sun is moving around the galaxy on a journey that lasts about 225 million years and on that journey it usually passes through very varied areas.

Yes, the planet Earth is an immense spaceship, we have to understand that concept, it is important, the sun is not stationary at one point in the galaxy, but rather it is circling the galaxy and on that journey it crosses many different, complex areas, in fact we are right now in a bubble, a local bubble, well it is called a bubble but it is shaped like an irregular bag, it looks more like a market bag and that bubble is formed by a series of supernova explosions that occurred about, I think, around 6 or 7 million years ago. years, that is, if the sun had arrived 6 or 7 million years earlier at this site of the galaxy where it has arrived, we would be in the midst of supernova explosions, there would be a mass extinction.

Other times the sun will have passed close to a star that exploded in the form of a supernova and other times it will have crossed very dense areas, perhaps clouds of gas and dust. It is an exciting journey and we are learning more and more things about that journey and the effect that journey could have had, for example on the extinction that life on Earth has suffered, so you think like an explorer.



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