The strange structure found in the Oort Cloud.
The strange structure found in the Oort Cloud.

They find a Mysterious spiral structure in the Oort cloud, the research paper that has been published on February 16 on the arxiv preprint server and is not yet peer reviewed, the researchers have done this work and have discovered that the Oort cloud which is a Mysterious region, yes in this case the term Mysterious of icy objects can be applied that surrounds the solar system to its outer part could not be a sphere as assumed until now, according to this new research the cloud The Oort galaxy could have a pair of spiral arms, which would make it look like a miniature galaxy.

The edge of the Oort cloud is approximately between 2000 to 5000 astronomical units from the Sun, one astronomical unit is the distance that separates the Sun from the Earth and the outer edge is between 10,000 to 100,000 units away, why this big difference, because we still do not have enough data about what is out there, why that galaxy shape, because it is not a sphere. because it has arms, because it has that strange spiral structure.

The movement of the solar system is more similar to the movement in the animation above, we move in a spiral in fact, on January 1 we are not in the same place in space as we were on January 1 of the previous year, although in the orbit we can say that we are in the same position of the orbit, we are not in the same place in space, the earth has moved, dragged by the sun, between 6000 to 7000 million kilometers away and the sun is moving around the galaxy on a journey that lasts about 225 million years and on that journey it usually passes through very varied areas.
The images without reference were created with AI
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