The end of the universe towards the “false vacuum”.

in Popular STEMlast month

The end of the universe towards the “false vacuum”.

Let's start with the end, with one of the possible endings of the universe, one that could occur in the very distant future, this week in some media there was news of the destruction of the universe due to a quantum phenomenon, it is possible that this end of the universe due to a quantum phenomenon could occur.

This is the statement from the University of Leeds, this refers to a research published on February 4 with the name “false vacuum agitation through the interaction of quantum bubbles in a 5564-cubyte quantum annealer.” It is hard work that is complex and complicated to explain, but luckily the University of Leeds, to which the main author of the article, Professor Zlatko Papic, belongs, published the reference article that same day.

He explained the subject in a much simpler way and it is amazing, what the researchers did was carry out a simulated experiment on a strange phenomenon that could end the universe, I repeat it was simulated, no one wants to do an experiment that triggers the end of the universe, no one is normal.

About 50 years ago, pioneering research in Campos' quantum theory proposed that the universe could be trapped in a "false vacuum", which means that it seems that, although the universe seems stable to us, it would actually be on the verge of transitioning to a state of true vacuum, which would be the truly stable state. Stable here does not have to be understood as calm, peaceful, calm, no, it is, but from the point of view of living beings it is not at all.

That change from stability to tranquility could trigger a catastrophic change in the structure of the entire universe, the false vacuum theory was used to explain what existed before the Big Bang, it is as if everything, including what we now understand by this universe where we live, as if that everything was previously in a state of stable perfection, "the true vacuum" but for some reason a point of that whole that was in that state of true and stable vacuum exploded, although I already know that comparing the Big Bang with an explosion is not very correct but we can have that image in the head.

A point of that totality that was in the true vacuum exploded in the Big Bang, creating the universe in which we are, but both the universe and its expansion are not a stable state so sooner or later it will return to that stability with the whole, to that true vacuum, this has a bit of logic, to think if we have emerged from a Big Bang from a bang we are in an expansion in a constant evolution, planets, stars, galaxies, black holes are forming everything is in motion, in chaos in constant evolution, this is not an original stability that is where it could have arisen, it seems that we are going towards another point towards another different place towards another state of equilibrium.

The universe could be something that arose in a way, I'm not saying spontaneous because we don't know the cause, that it arose and we are in that evolution of that explosion, but the explosion itself is not the natural state of the universe, not at all, that could be framing that universe or that ocean of universe if we think about the multiverse, we went from a true vacuum of stability to the explosion of the big Bang, in this chaos in which we live, yes chaos we can speak of Chaos because of the entropy in this evolution of the expanding universe and at any moment we could return to a true vacuum that apparently is the natural state of the universe or at least is what there was before according to this theory of true vacuum.

This is reflected in an article published in 1980, who theorized this topic. Sidney Coleman and Frank de Lucía proposed that our Universe is currently in a state of false vacuum and that it could be transformed through a tunnel effect into a true vacuum. If so, the transition to this, to that true vacuum, to that true stability would occur in the form of a bubble that can appear at any point in space. of the universe.

Inside that bubble that would expand, the laws of physics and the values ​​of the different physical constants would change radically, the dimensions, time would lose the meaning that we have here right now in the universe that we know, everything would be completely different, that bubble that would immediately begin to expand would do so at the speed of light, turning the false vacuum in which we live, our universe, into an authentic vacuum, that is, it would absorb everything, destroying everything, at least that we know and everything that allows us to continue nodding.


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