The end of the universe towards the “false vacuum”.
The end of the universe towards the “false vacuum”.

Let's start with the end, with one of the possible endings of the universe, one that could occur in the very distant future, this week in some media there was news of the destruction of the universe due to a quantum phenomenon, it is possible that this end of the universe due to a quantum phenomenon could occur.

About 50 years ago, pioneering research in Campos' quantum theory proposed that the universe could be trapped in a "false vacuum", which means that it seems that, although the universe seems stable to us, it would actually be on the verge of transitioning to a state of true vacuum, which would be the truly stable state. Stable here does not have to be understood as calm, peaceful, calm, no, it is, but from the point of view of living beings it is not at all.

The universe could be something that arose in a way, I'm not saying spontaneous because we don't know the cause, that it arose and we are in that evolution of that explosion, but the explosion itself is not the natural state of the universe, not at all, that could be framing that universe or that ocean of universe if we think about the multiverse, we went from a true vacuum of stability to the explosion of the big Bang, in this chaos in which we live, yes chaos we can speak of Chaos because of the entropy in this evolution of the expanding universe and at any moment we could return to a true vacuum that apparently is the natural state of the universe or at least is what there was before according to this theory of true vacuum.
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