Our ancestors were not so carnivorous.

in Popular STEM5 days ago

Our ancestors were not so carnivorous.

2001 A Space Odyssey is a work by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubricke, the two of them wrote the script together, but they made a mistake, a latest investigation has discovered that they made a mistake, well it is a metaphor, obviously the film did not happen that way, but In it a glass monolith appears, Africa appears from 3 million years ago and in that metaphor of the film that monolith brought to earth by aliens, a much more advanced extraterrestrial civilization, somehow induces in the minds of a group of human ancestors who at that time would correspond to the Australopithecus.

And he influences them in such a way that they begin to make stone tools with which they can hunt and will defeat their competitors, because this particular tribe in the movie was about to die of hunger, there was no food for them, however, there were many animals with which to hunt and they also had problems with another neighboring tribe that prevented them from accessing water, a source of water, the only one available in the area.

Thanks to those tools induced by the monolith, they were able to overcome those two problems, but it was a metaphor about one of the points, specifically, when human beings began to hunt because at some point they did and that moment was quite important in the human evolution.

And a recent investigation by a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry in Germany and the University of the Witwatersrand, has shown, thanks to the analysis of australopithecus teeth from these ancestors who lived about 3 million years ago, that that was not the time When our ancestors began eating meat, they did so by analyzing nitrogen isotopes in the tooth enamel of our ancestors' fossils.

And they confirmed that in reality what they ate was primarily a plant-based diet with minimal or no evidence of meat consumption. According to Alfredo Martínez García of the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry, he said that this method opens up exciting possibilities for understanding human evolution and has the potential to answer crucial questions, such as when our ancestors began to hunt and incorporate meat into their diet and also whether the beginning of meat consumption was related to an increase in brain volume.

There was a time when that happened, there was a time when our ancestors began to build tools as the film suggested, tools with which they hunted and incorporated meat into their diet, but that moment of the beginning of the consumption of meat and manufacturing complex tools with which to hunt, which was not an easy thing, because collecting plants or fruits or herbs and living off them is not the same as hunting a pig, a wild boar, a large or small animal, you need much more tools. sophisticated the hand serves you To collect herbs or fruits but hunt an animal you need tools and strategies to be able to do it and that greatly changes the entire panorama of human evolution.

In summary, it seems that at least 3 and a half million years ago our ancestors were basically vegetarians, so the time of hunting must have been a little later, or they simply ate the remains of other more hunting animals, what is interesting about this analysis It is extremely old tooth enamel that is also a tremendous advance, being able to analyze what an ancestor from 3 and a half million years ago ate.

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